The next morning

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Farrell POV
I woke up to my superiors snuggled up to my sides, fast asleep and happy as the day is long. I smiled, and scruffed both of their heads. I started sitting up and thinking. What do we even consider this relationship if it goes further, with two girls and one guy? I think that's called being polygamous, which is becoming accepted in my day and age, but this is 1939, not 2026. I don't know if that'd be accepted in any country, let alone Nazi Germany. I hold my hopes low because of this, but I'd still keep my hope. I smiled at the thought of us three cuddling and snuggling every night in our bunks, dodging the watch of Lieutenants and captains, the folks that'll actually give them shit and can discipline them. I smirked to myself at the thought, then we got a knock on the door.

Farrell: "be right there"

I put my pants and under shirt back on and went to the door, much to the annoyance of the two non commissioned officers.

Angela: "hey! When did we say you could get up? It's time for pre duty snuggles!"

Frieda: "yeah, we were supposed to wake up in your arms the morning af- oh shit"

I'd opened the door and General Fahloh was at the door, all three of us snapped to attention and saluted

Alice: "well, I see my three best soldiers are, closer than friends and fellow service personnel"

Farrell: "yes mam"

Angela: "General, it's not what it looks like I swear!"

Frieda: "we fucked!"

Angela: "you dumb bitch!"

She slapped her upside the head, and they started bickering and slapping each other. I just looked at my bootless feet, ashamed of myself. Ally just pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, then looked up

Alice: "SILENCE!"

They stopped

Alice: "I honestly couldn't give a damn what you guys do with each other, as long as it doesn't interfere with your regular duties. And you mister"

She turned to me

Alice: "don't get my two best non commissioned officers pregnant, I need them if we're going into France next summer like we were told we are"

Farrell: "of course mam, I wouldn't dream of it. I'm too young to be a father anyways"

Alice: "yes you are, you're freshly 17, which brings me to my next thought"

She turned on the two gals

Alice: "why did you think it proper of non commissioned officers of the most elite unit of the German Army to lay a 17 year old, he's not even an adult yet!"

Angela: "first, loneliness, second hes close enough! It's not like we fucked a fifteen year old in highschool!"
(Author's note: yes, i have read that in a actual story on this app, I'm ashamed)

Farrell: "mam if I May cut in, I didn't even attempt to stop them"

She just sighed, and turned on her heel away

Alice: "just don't do it again, it's not a good look, get to fucking breakfast"

She walked away, I looked to the two girls

Farrell: "I may not have spent as much time in the military as you two, but I advise we take caution"

I put my boots on and started walking to the dining hall.

Frieda POV

I was staring at my feet, ashamed of my actions, sad that id let this happen. I'm the oldest, I should've been more responsible. Why didn't I think about that? My eyes were watering slightly, but I'm trying to think about something else, like his eyes again, those beautiful green and purple orbs, so handsome. I get up, putting my field uniform on and going to grab my boots. I pull them up, re applying my boot ankle straps. I look at my sister, she's doing the same thing I'm doing.

Angela: "that was uncalled for, extremely uncalled for."

Frieda: "oh shut up, she's right, he's not an adult, we are, we're in the wrong"

She looked at me, and tried to speak up, but I just walked away, I not wanting to start a argument with her. I get to the mess hall and get a tray of food for myself. I walk over to him, chatting with Krop and Koch

Frieda: "morning guys"

Farrell: "hallo unteroffizere, I hope you're doing well"

Frieda: "I am, but you can just call me Frieda, Dieter though, you gotta refer to me by rank"

They laughed and rolled their eyes. I sit down next to my boi and snuggle up slightly. We eat, chatting, talking, and having a good time. After we finish, I have sentry duty at the gate with my sister, she'd skipped breakfast for some reason so I'll have to deal with hangry Angela today, very few people like hangry Angela. I went to my bunk and grabbed my helmet, ammo pouches on my belt, my bayonet, my bread bag, and my rifle they gave me for sentry duty. I just smiled, thinking of him again. I walked to the gate sentry box and low and behold, my sister is there and kinda grumpy. I just roll my eyes and pull my rifle up.

Frieda: "morning Angie!"

Angela: "morning"

Frieda: "ready for sentry duty?"

Angela: "nope, but you're ready I'm guessing"

Frieda: "yup!"

She rolled her eyes and went to her sentry box, and I went to mine. I hate sentry duty, it's boring as fuck, but it's one of the more safe jobs as a infantryman or woman if you're not stupid. A truck drives up, my tail starts wagging excitedly as it's someone new. I gave Angela a nod, and walked to the window.

Frieda: "hello! I'm just going to need to ask for your Soldbuch, and your reason for being here!"

Driver: "of course"

He pulled out his soldbuch and handed it to me. I opened it to the inside cover and looked to the number, name, dob, things like this

Frieda: "number?"

Driver: "8567 mam"

Frieda: "alright, name?"

Driver: "Alfred Fuchs mam"

Frieda: "Date of birth?"

Alfred: "January 31st, 1909"

Frieda: "age then?"

Alfred: "30 mam"

Frieda: "Alright, you're good to go, have a go-"

Angela: "not so fast, shouldn't we check everyone else's in the back?"

Frieda: "oh yeah! Nevermind sir! You're not good to go yet!"

I turn on my heel and walk to the back of the truck, smiling excitedly as I went despite not knowing what I'd find. I knocked on the gate hard, and it flops open, a hand extending down to grab mine and pull me up. I clamber up and Angela walked over to help me. We went through all the soldiers and looked at their soldbuchs. Duty is boring, as usual. That's how today is.

Chapter Ende

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