What just happened..?

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Clay stood outside Danielle's front door for a while after it was shut on him. It's safe to say he was surprised. Perhaps pleasantly surprised. He was processing what had just happened. Danielle kissed him. He kissed him. Something that was always so close to happening in the bar or whenever they were alone but yet never did happen. But it just did. Clay wasn't sure how to feel. The one person he's ever truly felt love for and cared about just kissed him after years of being cold and blatantly ignoring him.

Eventually Clay went home, and instead of going to drink more, he just went to bed. Not even caring about how he's going to feel with his hangover tomorrow. He's gotten used to them by now. Especially after Bloberta left.

-the next morning-

Clay awoke, earlier then he normally would. But not willingly. Because there was knocking on his door. Heavy knocking. Clay groaned and considered ignoring it. It was probably some kid obsessed with spreading the gospel and god. Clay was already religious enough, he didn't need kids trying to bring him 'closer to god'. Just..just like Orel. That thought made Clay sit up. Deciding that maybe he shouldn't ignore it.

Begrudgingly, Clay walked toward the door and opened it, fully expecting to see some kid preaching. But no. It wasn't some kid preaching god. It was none other than Francis Clara Censordoll. Great. Just what Clay needed now. His only succeeding political contender.

"I'm surprised your up." Censordoll said with her normal sour tone.

"I wasn't awake. But you woke me up." Clay very unhappily responded. Maybe it's because deep down he hoped it was Danielle. But deep down he also knew after last night it wouldn't be him.

"I can't say I'm surprised." Censordoll replied, her sour tone becoming more of a bitter one.

Clay just stared at her for a moment.
"What do you want."

Censordoll went on about how being mayor of this town was boring without any competitors. She wanted Clay to run for mayor again.

Clay just stared at her
"Absolutely not. I've been there and done that."

Censordoll just stared at clay for a moment.
"Fine. Don't. But I won't stop asking. And I'll slowly beging removing the things you enjoy. Just like you did to me!"

She turned around and left.

Clay slammed the door and just stood there for a minute before going back to bed.

Cold weather & warm hearts // Clay Puppington x Danielle Stopframe //Where stories live. Discover now