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"Clay all you do is drink, drink, drink!!" Bloberta screamed at her husband, not caring her 2, no, 3 children were sat listening.

"I never used to drink! You...you got me onto it when we first met!!" Clay drunkenly spat back.

Orel, Shapey and Block all sat together, quietly, unwillingly listening to their parents argue. It was a regular occurrence now. Clay and Bloberta argued basically every day. Yet they never divorced. Despite all the hardships their marriage had dragged them both through, they never divorced. It was frowned upon in Moralton. Marriage was a holy bond and hence would be seen as unfaithful if you were to break it.

Clay and Bloberta stared at each-other for a good 10 minutes.

"You know what?" Bloberta broke the silence with her cold and harsh tone.

"What..?!" Clay again, drunkenly spat back at his spouse.

"We're getting a divorce. I don't care how it looks anymore. The whole town knows we hate each-other!" Bloberta crossed her arms and glared at her soon to be ex husband.

"..Fine! I never loved you..a..anyway!!" Clay retorted.

Orel sat, feeling his whole world fall apart. He'd always gone to his father for advise and 'lessons' but only now was he realising how terrible of a man his father really was.

Cold weather & warm hearts // Clay Puppington x Danielle Stopframe //Where stories live. Discover now