"You... Wanna head home?" Justin asks cautiously, examining your expression with worry. You nod. Vivian giggles at your misery. How the both of them managed to keep dry is going to end up being one of humanity's greatest mysteries.

"Let's go then," Vivan smiles devilishly, "Before you end up a drowned rat."

"Hey!" You tell after her, watching her skip off into the distance. You chase after her, smacking her gently on the head as you catch up. She gasps like she's a character from a period drama who's husband just died in an accident that she may or may not have staged. Which is to say, with great and dramatic anguish.

"How dare you."

"You are the one who ran off cackling after you called me a drowned rat."

"But you are a drowned rat." Her tone was informative as she placed her hands on her hips, "But I must say you are my favourite drowned rat."

"Thanks?" You slow your footsteps, watching her pass by in front of you with great concern. She giggles again before beckoning you to catch up with her. You race ahead, matching your pace with hers when you catch up.

With your hands firmly placed in your pockets, you walk in silence. The sound of water splashing, both from passersby cars and from your own footsteps fill the air. The wind whips by again, ruffling your hair in the wind. Vivian's hair also gets swept up in the wind, resulting in it landing directly in her mouth. You laugh as she sputters, spitting the mass out of her mouth.

"Ugh!" She rubs her hand under her mouth, "That was gross..."

"Really? I was always quite fond of the taste of hair." Vivian huffs crossing her arms as you snicker at her misery. The wind continues to whip at your clothes until you round a corner, becoming slightly sheltered by the surrounding buildings.

"Oh if only it were summer." Vivian laments, flipping her hair over her shoulder, "We could do so much more if the weather wasn't so awful!"


"Of course, we could do more!" She places her hands on her hips with authority, "Who wants to do anything in weather like this!"

"Guess you're right" She hums thoughtfully.

"Say [Name]? Have you ever learned how to swim?"


"You should teach me how this summer then!" She grabs your hand in excitement, stopping the both of you in the middle of the sidewalk, "I've always wanted to go swimming but there's not a lake around Roling, so I never got the opportunity to. But now that we have more freedom here!" She sighs wistfully, cutting off her own sentence. Excitement swam in her eyes.

"Sure." You smile at her, "I'd love to teach you." She claps her hands with joy.

"Oh hey!" She exclaims, suddenly distracted from the future, "This is the street with that dress store!"

"It is?" Vivian nods, grabbing your hand and dragging you off the sidewalk.

"I wonder if that dress is still there? Oh! And maybe I can convince Justin to..." She stops suddenly, staring back behind you. Her brow furrowed in confusion as she drops your hand. Turning around you see what's made her so confused so suddenly.

"Well, that's a bit embarrassing..." Vivian laughs to herself under her breath, "I didn't even realize that we lost him."

"How did we even lose him?" You raise an eyebrow at the Justin-less sidewalk, "Wouldn't he have just followed us when we left?"

"Uh... Maybe?"

"Should we...?" You point down the way you came. Catching what you meant, Vivian nods.

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