Chapter 6 - The Truth

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After the fun times the two have shared, Azariah woke up the next day, only to see a picture on a desk. They look at it, only to see the same winged Wolf on a selfie with the wolf Death. They seem to be quite happy.

Azariah:Huh. Wonder who that Wolf is. Why does Yaki have this?

Yaki, who has woken up, is standing behind them, looking over their shoulder.

Yaki:so you found the picture huh?

Azariah:ah! o-oh, you are awake.

Yaki:well, guess I shouldn't hide the truth any longer should I?

Azariah:the truth?

Yaki:I wasn't always a Protogen. You see that Wolf on that picture? That used to be me. I used to be a wolfgod, before having been involved in a serious accident. I was killed, my soul taken and put into this body to preserve me. sad.

Yaki:I fully agree. I lost my friends, lost my family, lost everything. Only Death knows that I still am...well, alive is the wrong word, is it not? Half alive more likely. Death is the only friend that knows my current situation.

Azariah:not the only one.

Yaki:I consider us more than friends already, so I mean it. Anyways, I am working on regaining my old body, but have no idea how I can do it. did you break down in that bunker?

Yaki:that? The bunker was raided one day. The Synths were then deployed to protect me, but it wasn't enough. I was damaged quite severely, which then prompted an emergency shutdown.

Upon hearing this, Azariah hugged Yaki tight, rubbing it's head to calm it down. This prompted Yaki to purr in relaxation and soon after fall asleep.

Azariah:shh, just relax and sleep tight. All will be fine.

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