Chapter 2:First contact

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Akari, whose real name was Azariah, had been bullied in their childhood for reasons unknown, had changed their name to hide. Being a shapeshifter has allowed them to not just change their name, but also their complete identity. They used to be picked on, bullied, punched, all that. They sometimes came home bleeding from wounds the bullied inflicted on them. The bullying eventually went so far that Azariah ran into the forest, fully changing their identity.

All that pain and sadness came back to them as they saw what was in the dark corner of the room. At first glance, it looked like a monster, but when looking closer at it, they saw that it was actually a deactivated, damaged red and black protogen with a shark tail and wing attachments without the wings, meaning just rods sticking out of their back.

 At first glance, it looked like a monster, but when looking closer at it, they saw that it was actually a deactivated, damaged red and black protogen with a shark tail and wing attachments without the wings, meaning just rods sticking out of thei...

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Azariah:my gosh...who would do this to such a fluffball?

Their question would soon be answered, as metallic thumps echo behind them. They turn around only to see two synths walking towards them. They did not seem friendly, more fixed on harming them in any way possible. Azariah got in front of the Protogen, ready to defend it. They tried to hide the fact that they were terrified

Azariah:you will not get them. I will not let that happen!

They proceed to storm at the synths, shapeshifting into a half dragon to fight way better. The synths seem to analyze their fighting patterns to successfully counteract it. After a short fight, one of the synths was broken, the other damaged. Azariah was exhausted and injured. They were barely able to get up. Suddenly, a red beam flies past Azariah, hitting the synth.

Azariah:huh...? what the?

In the corner, the protogen has gotten up, being activated now. Their movement was janky and loud, showing that it hasnt moved in a long time.

 Their movement was janky and loud, showing that it hasnt moved in a long time

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The synth got angry and stormed at the protogen now.

Proto:*glitched static*

The proto proceeds to dismantle the synth, before collapsing again, barely functioning.

Azariah gathered their strength and picked the proto up before bringing it to their home.

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