A savior for an Angel

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Ser • aph //ˈserəf// - an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.

A young girl let out a sigh as she walked down the street with a bag of fruit for her mom. Her Mary Janes clicked against the concrete sidewalk as she walked. Her red hair swayed behind her as her orange-colored eyes stared around the street.

"Good morning Seraphine!" The street vendor greeted with a small grin, "Good morning Mrs. Okuma, how's business?" Sephy asked as her eyes wandered to the menu. Okuma grinned as her old sunken eyes stared at the young girl, "Wonderful because of you dear."

Sephy smiled softly as her cheeks get painted with a pink hue. Okuma playfully shook her head as she put two dango's in the bag along with two bentos and two ikayaki's.

"How much Ma'am?" Sephy asked as she pulled out her coin purse. Mrs. Okuma shook her head, "On the house dear, tell your mother I said hello." Sephy bit her bottom lip as she nodded her head, "Of course!"

Seraphine left the vendor and continued her walk home. Nightfall was a few minutes away, the dark quickly engulfing the very little light that was left in the day. Her eyes darted to the opposite sidewalk, spotting two sketchy guys. She didn't pick up her pace or tighten the grip on her bags, instead, she kept her eyes ahead. Sephy took in a deep breath as she did a right turn, only to be met with three more guys wearing the same uniform as the two previous ones who walked up behind her.

Seraphine didn't panic nor did she look for a chance to escape, "Excuse me, you're blocking my path." She stated loud and clear enough for the five men to hear. She smiled softly at them but the five men made no attempts to move. "What did I say? She has her head so far up in the clouds, she doesn't know what's happening." One said through a fit of laughter. The smile never faded from Seraphine's face as her eyes glistened over the men before the car in the distance.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I don't have a lot of time, do you sirs need something?" The young girl asked as she fixed her circular glasses. Two men grabbed both her arms causing her to drop one of her bags, the bag of fruits. Seraphine let out an upsetting sigh, "No! Now they're no good!" She whined as she watched the various fruit roll on the ground.

The men were confused by her reaction, "You should be worrying over something else sweetheart," One man said, seemingly leading the men. He was older, with dyed blue hair and green eyes. He grabbed Seraphine by her chin, making her look him in the eyes.

"Is there a problem here?" A different voice asked. The group turned around to see two blonde kids walking up, "Mind your business kid, I'm simply trying to catch up with an old friend." The blue-haired guy said as he pulled Seraphine closer. Seraphine blinked a few times before pulling away with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry but you're mistaking me for someone else, I don't know you."

The additional two kids stared at each other before back at the group. Sephy eyes drifted the fruit that was now far past the time to pick up. There was still fruit in the bag but not enough for what her mother had planned tonight. "Let her go." The one with the braid said. The guys laughed as they stared the two up and down.

"There's five of us and two of you."

The shorter one stared Sephy in the eyes before gesturing for her to close them. Sephy closed her orangey eyes as she could only imagine what would happen to the guys. Soon the tight grips that were on both her arms disappeared only to be met with a pair of secured arms, "Keep them closed." Someone whispered. Sephy nodded her head into the shoulder of the guy holding her.

The yells and grunts of the five guys could be heard while they got beat up. Soon it was silent and the arms around Seraphine's waist loosen, "You can open your eyes now."

Her eyes fluttered open as her eyes instinctively glanced to the ground where the guys laid. Letting out another sigh she bent down to pick up a dirty orange with her bandaged arm, "Mom is going to be so upset, now we won't be able to make fruit tarts." She muttered while bending back down to pick up the fruit that remained in the bag.

Seraphine turned around towards her saviors and flashed them a gentle smile, "Thank you so much for the help." She said while bowing toward the two. The two stared at each other before looking at the girl, "Where are you going?" The taller one with the braid asked.

"Home, it's a 15-minute walk from that corner." Sephy pointed towards the corner behind her before tightening her grip on the bags. "Mikey, take her home."

'Mikey' stared at the tall boy before staring at Sephy, "C'mon." Mikey took off to a motorbike that was parked on the other side of the road. Sephy thought about it for a few moments before following the blonde kid.

"Um...my bags..?" She squeaked out while gesturing to the two bags in her hands. Mikey stared at the bags in her hand before grabbing them, and putting them on the handles of his motorbike, "Get on." His voice was no longer strict or demanding. It got calmer after the guys were knocked out. Sephy bit her bottom lip as she got on the bike.

Mikey grabbed her hands, wrapping them around his torso, "Hold on as tightly as you can." He instructed, turning his head back at Sephy. He was grinning as if he was excited to have someone ride his bike. Doing as she was told, she tightly held on to the boy. Sephy could feel the muscles of the boy through his shirt. "At the corner, we have to make a right." He nodded as he immediately started to drive the bike.

Sephy rested her face on his shoulder as the wind immediately hit when they started to zoom down the street. She whispered the directions to him as she kept her head on his shoulder. The wind pushing against her face with such force always made her eyes watery and puts her glasses out of place.

Mikey couldn't tell the reason why his cheeks were burning. It wasn't a bad feeling as he could feel the heat radiating off of the girl that had her face buried into his shoulder. Soon the two arrived in front of a traditional Japanese-styled home.

"We're here," Mikey whispered to Sephy. She raised her head from Mikey's shoulder, her eyes readjusting to her surroundings. The loss of warmth made Mikey lose the boyish grin that was on his face. Seraphine smiled softly as Mikey handed her the bags from his motorbike handlebars.

The gates to the house opened to reveal two young maids, "You're late little mistress." The maid with brunette hair stated with a worried expression. Sephy bowed her head, "I'm sorry, there was a problem at the market." She lied before turning back towards Mikey.

"I appreciate the ride, Mikey." The boy's face lit up from her saying his name. The maids grabbed the bags from Seraphine and quickly ushered themselves into the house. Sephy let out a small giggle as she watched the two ladies go. "Bye-bye, thank you again!" Before Sephy could walk away, she felt a strong grip on her hand. She quickly turned around to face the blonde boy.

"Your name...I don't know your name." Mikey mumbled as he stared into Seraphine's eyes. She averted her gaze as a sense of deja vu came across her. Mikey felt it too, all of this seemed so familiar to them. Sephy shook her head playfully, "Seraphine, my name is Seraphine." She said sweetly as her glasses slid down a little.

"Seraphine..." Mikey whispered to himself as his boyish grin appeared back on his face. His eyes shined as he stared at the redhead who was still smiling.

"A savior for an angel."

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