Wake Up

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He woke up inside of a big box and he squirmed into a sitting position. Who was he and where was he? He frowned before lifting the top of the box and poking his head out of it and it appeared that he was in a dumpster. Gross.

He climbed out clumsily and then he stood up and looked around the alleyway he was in before looking at himself.

He was a robot and a very broken one. He was going to need a mechanic or something.

He headed out of the alleyway and into the street where he heard a screeching noise and a car stopped right before hitting him.

He stared at the car and then he looked at the person inside. They appeared to be a man who was purple with black eyes and messy brown hair and they were wearing hobo clothes.

He thought he should be concerned and so he spoke.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a light tone.

The purple man in the car blinked and then got out.

"Who are you?" The purple man questioned.

He shrugged.

"I don't know. I woke up like this and I think I'm new." He said truthfully.

Purple man stared at him for a long moment before sighing.

"Alright.. Uhh.. How about Spring?" Purple man asked with a look.

"Spring?" He questioned.

"Yeah. For your name." Purple man stated.

He nodded. Spring, it seemed like a good name.

"Okay. I'm Spring. What's your name?" Spring questioned nicely.

"Mike. Spring, can you get in the car for me?" Mike asked before getting back in the drivers seat of his car.

Spring hesitated for a moment before getting in the passenger side and putting his seat belt on.

Mike then drove off with a slight frown.

"Are you sure your okay? I was being truthful earlier. You don't look so good." Spring said awkwardly.

Mike nodded.

"I'll be fine. So, you really remember nothing about your past life?" Mike questioned as he drove.

"My past life?" Spring asked in pure confusion.

"Yeah, back when you were a person?" Mike said with a worried frown.

"I.. No.. I don't recall anything. Like I said. I think I'm new." Spring told Mike while scratching at his own chest nervously.

"Okay. Well. If you do remember anything tell me. Okay?" Mike told Spring seriously.

Spring nodded as he looked out the window and at his face in the mirror. He was such a mess.

"Mike. Think we could get me to a mechanic at some point?" Spring asked nervously.

"I'll do it later. I don't have the money right now and with Ennard chasing me down it's a mess but I will later." Mike said in a promising tone.

Spring nodded and then the car stopped at a house.

"I live here with a guy named Henry. He's sorta old but nice." Mike explained as he got out of the car and approached the old house.

Spring undid his seat belt and followed him.

Mike sighed before knocking on the door and a tall blonde man with blue eyes and a beard opened the door with a smile before freezing.

"Henry, this is Spring. He has amnesia and doesn't remember anything." Mike quickly explained.

Henry adjusted his glasses that Spring had just noticed before sighing.

"Mike. Are you sure?" Henry asked with a frown.

"Yeah. I almost hit him with the car earlier and that is how we met. He says he is new." Mike told Henry.

Spring nodded before walking up nervously.

"Yes. I'm new. Hi." Spring said awkwardly before holding out his hand for a shake.

Henry looked apprehensive as he shook Spring's hand and then he walked back inside.

"I'm sorry about Henry. We don't normally have good interactions with you animatronics so this is new." Mike explained.

"There are others like me?" Spring asked in surprise.

"Yeah but they aren't new like you are. They also remember having human lives and they are quite vengeful." Mike explained with a frown.

Spring couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"So they're all mean?" Spring asked sadly.

Mike nodded.

"Yeah. Sorry Spring. You're special." Mike said with a attempt at a smile.

Spring did not feel comforted and he sighed before walking to the couch in the living room and sitting down.

Mike watched him for a moment before leaving to another room. Probably going to talk to Henry.

Spring pouted before turning on the TV to a random channel and getting comfortable. He didn't even realize it when he essentially left the conscious world.

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