Ch. 118: Snuffed Out

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A couple days passed before missing posters went up around Bonesborough, and a couple days became a couple weeks. The girl was basically the local celebrity, so the entire town went looking for her. Some had known Luz from before, finding her so strange but had an inviting warmth to her. Especially the three she met on her first day in the demon realm, particularly one witch that loved writing food fan fiction. It also affected those that she knew for a long time. Such as those that she fought with, like her former friends, all of who sat at a table in the cafeteria at Hexside.

"Nothing yet?" Amity asked, sitting down.

"No, nothing." Willow said, "Luz has always been sneaky, but nothing like this."

"Where's Boscha?" Gus asked.

"I'm not sure, she said she wanted some time to think." Amity said.

"I saw her heading to the Grudgby field." Amelia said, sitting at the table, "I don't think she was going there for practice."

Amity sighed.

"I'll go talk to her."

Amity stood up and walked away. She headed to the field, finding Boscha pretty easily. It was hard not to; she was punching a tree.

'Those glasses and loose brown hair really make you forget she's a total badass.' Amity thought.

Boscha threw another punch, breaking the tree in half. Boscha let out a few angry breaths and let the blood drip from her hands.

"Boscha, that's enough." Amity said, walking to her and holding up her hand.

"No, it isn't." Boscha said.

"Boscha, I don't think punching trees until you bleed out is going to bring Luz back."

"Then what the hell will?!" Boscha asked, glaring at Amity as she began to cry. "I've been weeks and nobody has seen her anywhere!"

"I know, but we can't give up hope." Amity said, "Something will be found."

"Amity! Boscha!" Willow said as her and Gus came running, "Principal Bump wants to see us."

The group headed to the Principal's Office. They entered and he had them sit down.

"I've called you here because I have some news." Bump put a box on his desk, "The Emperor's Coven was doing a search of the woods for a criminal, and came upon a cave... inside was a few bones, an old shoe, a watch, torn clothes fragments and... this."

Bump held up a red necklace, one that everyone knew of. It was the Monado necklace that Luz had.

"I'm sorry... but it seems that Luz is... gone." Bump said.

Boscha took the box and looked inside. There was Luz's shoe, her armor watch, and fragments from her clothes.

"N-n-no." Boscha said, falling to her knees, "NO!"

Amity held Boscha as the four friends began to cry. The last interaction they had with Luz, was them telling her that they didn't want to be near her... they can never take that away. Luz died thinking that they hated her.

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