Chapter 3 - Morning

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Reassured, Harry finished getting dressed. Hedwig had finished her food and was going back to sleep. She was keeping weird hours for a nocturnal bird.

Making his way downstairs and contemplating grabbing a quick breakfast, Harry stopped on the staircase when he heard voices coming from the kitchen.

"Honestly, Pet," Vernon was saying. It was a Sunday, so Vernon being home wasn't unusual, and it was lunch time, so it wasn't an odd time for his uncle and aunt to be in the kitchen, but the topic they were discussing was interesting. "How long do we need to keep this circus freak in our house? There is a reason Marge hasn't wanted to see him. There is a reason we have never wanted contact with our good for nothing sister. She wasn't like us, she left on her own, she knew what she was leaving, and I damn well don't want her orphaned brat wandering around my home like he owns the place."

Harry knew there was only one person they could be talking about.

"Vernon, you know who his father is," Petunia soothed, and Harry could hear her bustling around.

"Yes," Vernon shot back angrily, his voice grew louder as he continued. "His father was a good for nothing gypsy who seduced my fool of a little sister into his bed and out of our lives."

"Shhh," Petunia hushed, and Harry heard a window close before she continued. However, her voice was still hushed enough that Harry had to strain to hear her. "Well, he's dead." Her callous tone about Dick's father made Harry flinch. "And right now that boy gets anything and everything he wants from Bruce Wayne."

Harry recognized the name of the man that Dick said was like a father to him. Dick had said Bruce was going to formally adopt him, so obviously they meant a lot to each other. Petunia continued.

"The same Bruce Wayne that was rated the eighth richest man in the world last year. The same Bruce Wayne who legally made Richard his heir years ago. The same Bruce Wayne who is formally adopting Richard to make sure that boy gets his inheritance when it is due," Petunia stated to Vernon. Harry felt his breath catch.

The only experience Harry had with people with more money than anyone needed was with his long time rival, Draco Malfoy. Malfoy was a pureblood wizard, with a father in a high ranking position in the wizarding government. He always had the best of everything and wasn't afraid to throw the money around to get himself things. He had bought the entire Slytherin Quidditch team new brooms just to get a place on his house team. Harry himself had a small fortune from his parents, but he would never use it like that. He had even given away his small fortune of winnings from the Triwizard Tournament to Fred and George Weasley, people who actually deserved it. Dick had seemed really nice. But words like heir and inheritance did not put him in a good light.

Harry tuned back into the elder Dursley's conversation. "But, Pet, dear," Vernon was saying. "It's unlikely that he is the sole heir. You, yourself, told me about the football team worth of children the magazines say Wayne is adopting."

Petunia sighed with the air of someone explaining something very simply. "Vernon, the street rat boy Wayne adopted is dead. The other boy is already the heir to the Drake fortune, what would he do with Wayne's money? Richard is the sole heir if Wayne dies. Besides, even if Wayne doesn't go anytime soon, he seemed very open to helping with finances when Richard visits. He even mentioned flying us over to the states to see them! One a private jet. A private jet, Vernon!"

At Petunia's harsh words regarding Dick's family, Harry felt ashamed of himself. He almost forgot that the Dursleys ruined everything. Dick had been so kind to him. So open to him. And he almost let the Dursley's twisted facts turn him against Dick. Getting up quickly, Harry creeped his way down the stairs and out the door before he could hear anything else. The Dursleys were putting up with Dick in the hope of getting money. They were his only living family, and they wanted money out of him. Apparently, Dick's own Aunt didn't even want to see him. It made sense why Marge, didn't like Harry, they weren't actually related, but Dick was Marge's sister's child. That was awful.

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