Chapter I

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¦¦ Yokohama, 2015 ¦¦

It was late calmy afternoon in one love hotel in the side street of the center of Yokohama. But for some people it was full of tension, just like for young Kageyama who was dressed up in black thight pants and suit. Why? Well he was the one in love hotel in room 321 with some old pedophile. He was sitting on the other side, but then he approached Kageyama more closely.

" aren't you one big tuff guy"

" first of all I am not a homo or something you are just a free meat to me"

"oh well"

It didn't take even a minute when Kageyama stopped acting like he was there to make out with some oldass guy and when he stabbed him in the neck with a pocket knife. Kageyama stabbed him deep enough and an oldass guy felt behind dead.

"first of all, I'm not into pedophiles fucker. Ehh, why am I the one who has to act like a slut, I'm sure that Tadashi would be a perfect for this role since he is  a pain in ass, and he can maybe make Tsukishima jealous if that is even possible.... You are talking with your self again Kagayema, better find that chip or you're dead"

The real reason why Kageyama was in that hotel was a chip with informations that pedophile had. He was the CEO of some enormous bank companies, and on that chip that he always carry with himself were the passwords. Kageyama was the newbie of the group since he first tried to make Hinata come with them and lost lots of time on nothing. What's more, some of his team mates changed and the friendship between all of them as well. To sum up everything, some of them thought Kageyama would betray them and go to Nekoma If Hinata joins them. That's why Daichi forbid Kageyama some heavy weapon and main roles, and gave him roles like asistent and this. Just until they are sure Kageyama won't betray them.
After some minutes he found a chip in suitcase and run away. He turned on his ear bugs that were connected with other side.

"hey salty I did what you wanted"

"Call me like that again and next time I'll put explosive in your ear bug"

"Just tell me where the fuck I should go now where are the others"

"Go outside you will see Tanaka and that annoying ass in car. And use the back door"

"Oh really I was surely thinking to walk out to front door in a bloody clothes "

" I know that's why I told your monkey brain ehat to do exactly"

"listen up you s- he logged out...I swear one day I'll break his head with that computer"

Kageyama went out just like Tsukishima told him, he saw a black care parked next to the big trash bin. Inside he could see a bald head and one with small ponytail aka Tanaka and Yamaguchi. Person that annoyed him back in High school and a person that now annoys him every single day. No one would ever think that Tanaka could get more calm and Yamaguchi to become a type od person that's not sacred of any risk and likes to provoke others every day, especially Tsukihima who they think changed Yamaguchi like this. Or better said his words.  Kageyama went inside and then it all started

Y: "hey sluttyama"

T: "you stole it?"

K: "yeah here"

Y: "how was the party in those"

K: "better than yours and saltys in locker"

Y: " yeahhh how to say I would say sorry because you and a person we don't talk about didn't have another locker but, I'm not sorry so"

T: "speaking of him, kageyama did you get something new"

K: "didn't Daichi like forbid you to talk about Hinata"

T:"First I'm not talking about him you are and second I just asked so, spill damn tea"

K:" jeez you didn't changed, well. No, still nothing"

Y: "poor thing he is scared someone could steal his little mandarine , how cute"

K :".... If you are telling me something now with that, I'll burn you alive Tadashi"

Y :" chill king, I'm just saying how you two are so grossly, cute pff. And I have my oen man why would I need your shrimp"

T: "If I draw a line everytime you two for little killed each other, a room would be like prison cell"

Y:" real love my dear friend, looks like war"

K: "yeah just a fact he can't stand you anymore"

Just in second the pistol was on kageyamas forehead, Yamaguchi didn't evan turned a little

Y:"wanna repeat that"

T:" put it down, now"

Y:" what, I was just joking. And If I kill him who will be our little slut"

K:" oh you are born for that role"

Y:" I'm still holding a fucking gun, one finger and y-"


Y"agh fine, where the sarcasm and fun in your lifes"

He putted back a pistol in its case on his belt

K:" where's reality in your"

T:" I think I'll start preying to Assahi just to come back and safe me from you two"

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