Anakin wasn't buying it and neither was Revana, but Krell had everyone else fooled apparently "If I may ask how your padawan is Master Krell?" Revana asked

"Padawan Ca'tra is currently in the halls of healing," Krell said.

Revana bowed her head "Thank you, Master Krell," she said before turning to the council, "Masters I apologize,"

"There was no harm done to anyone, HK acted as his protection programs for younglings dictates," Windu said, "He merely stopped an accident from happening."


HK-47 may have been built but it sure as haran wasn't yesterday, he knew what he had stopped he had recorded the entire thing, his scans of the young padawan were conclusive, she had several broken bones, a shattered collar bone, and various other injuries, HK would see to it that he would sneak aboard Meatbag Krell's ship and find out why he had such high casualty numbers out of all the meatbag Jedi. Following Revana to the healing hall the head meatbag healer looked at Revana worried "I fear Lady Revana, your droid may have discovered the abuse of a padawan, Ca'tra's twin Ka'ra is due back from deployment her master was killed recently and the Troopers gathered their commander up and pulled out before they lost her as well,"

"HK, I want the truth," Revana said

"Statement: Of course, Master,"

HK replayed everything, every heated insult thrown the girl's way. The Girl herself was Mando'ad much like her twin, HK made it his personal mission to gather more information on Krell "Why didn't you show this to the council?" Revana asked

"Statement: Master, I preferred to tell you because like you she is Mando'ad," HK said.

"Healer..." Revana began

"Bipressed, Mera Bipressed," the healer replied

"Thank you, Mera, could you contact Duchess Satine Kyrze please, she will need to know of this," Revana said.

The Healer's eyes got wide "I know she is the Duchess's daughter as well as Obi-Wan's it is best that she finds out or her father will," Revana said.

The Healer bowed "As you wish princess,"


Jango had received a coms message from Revana and headed to the temple to find the Dutchess pacing back and forth tears flowing freely from her eyes as Pre rushed to her side "Satine, what's wrong?" Pre asked

"I sent them here thinking they would be safe, but I was wrong," Satine sobbed into Pre's shoulder.

Revana came out of one of the rooms "Satine, HK is protecting Ca'tra."

Pre's face went pale "Your ad'e are jetti?" Pre asked

Satine nodded as Pre held her "Ka'ra's on her way back to Coreasant, her master was killed in battle and Jango's ad'e made sure to get her to safety as their General's last orders," Satine said sobbing.

Revana signaled for him to follow "Pong Krell was Ca'tra's master; HK broke one of his four arms after finding him beating her into submission, apparently, Krell's men have also been abused, and considering that Krell has the highest casualty rate on the front lines..." Revana broke off.

Jango's thoughts turned dark "He needs to be relieved of command," he said

"They have put him on probation and stripped him of his command and his padawan as soon as Healer Bipressed informed them how extensive Ca'tra's injuries were, his former troops are currently in the GAR Barracks," Revana informed him

"Who are their father?" he asked

"Obi-Wan," Revana replied, "Satine sent them on a way to live with their father, sadly with the Order's rules which those too are currently under review, hadn't been allowed to meet him formerly,"

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