Learning Curve

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Revan Ordo looked at the clock in her classroom she hated the module that she was looking at, all it did was paint Mandalorians in a savage light. It didn't sit well with her at all, Revana was 12 standard years old now, and had excelled in her teachings on Mandalore that they sent her to Courant for diplomatic studies. Revana had the honor and privilege of working under Chancellor Valrum who had offered her many books that he had on Mandalorian literacy, as well as several trips to the Jedi Archives.

Revana loved the trips to the Jedi Archives and would spend hours reading texts on her ansector Tarre Vizsla, she even helped Madam Nu who all but adopted her as a granddaughter unravel some of the myths behind the man known as Mand'alor the Jedi. When Revana wasn't in the temple or with Chancellor Vlaurm she was on the other side of CoCo town in Little Keldabe spending time among her people there. Many of them were untrusting of her at first, but when the way she played with the ade they became more open. It was when Jango found her again, which put many of them at ease knowing that she was the ad of trusted friends such as her buire.

Jango had spent most of his time working for Bounty Hunter guilds but still managed to find time to spend with her Jango had nearly teared up when Revana told him about the holo that she had at home that was taken in the Temple of Revan that Satine managed to sneak of her buire and her. Jango was also a source of stories about Myl'buir and his antics before her birth. Jango still wore his scars of that day, it was on one day that Revana stumbled upon a Dire-cat Cub being beaten by some Rodianians, and Jango and Bossk had been with her, she was grateful that they had been because Revana took a pipe off of one of them and began using it like a staff weapon beating them with it.

Revana had snuck the cub back into her dorm and spent days nursing it back to health when the Dean of the school discovered what had been brought to the school they demanded that it be removed. Revana who had bonded with the animal was in no mood to see the animal removed from her care and anyone who tried found themselves with a broken nose or limb. It came to a head when Chancellor Valurm himself showed up and saw the sad condition that the cub had been in he told the Dean that "Revana rescued this poor animal and has been caring for it, it shows a side of the Mandalorian heart that most refuse to see let alone acknowledge,"

Within weeks the cub was fully moving around and curious about what was going on within as well as out of the room. Revana had been sure to care for the cub as it healed from its wounds many of the students watched her in awe and wonder if perhaps Mandalorians were in fact compassionate instead of the blood-thirsty people they had been before Satine began her rule. Whenever Revana was seen after that the cub wasn't too far behind, padding along behind her, the cub's black fur and stunning blue eyes quickly won many over especially when the cub got caught doing something they weren't supposed to.

After about a month Revana's mother and Satine visited Courasant and were shocked to see Revana with a Dire-cat cub following close at her heels. Revana's mother had been proud of Revana for showing so much compassion for an injured animal as Satine mirrored that sentiment very much. Madam Nu thought it adorable the way the cub would curl up at Revana's feet as she studied. Every exam Revana took she passed with flying colors, Chancellor Valurm watching as she gave mock speeches before the Senate that had many senators' attention. Revana would hold the key to getting Mandalore with the Republic, but Mandalore wanted to be neutral, and remain as such, Mandalore still hadn't forgiven the Republic for what had happened on Galidraan. Whispers of Revana possibly one day becoming the leader of Mandalore spread. Her speech embodied not only the New Mandalorian teachings but the Teachings of Jaster Mereel who was once Mand'alor.

Mandalore that could have peace and at times when it was needed war. Armor would once serve a purpose other than ceremonial. While many supported Revana's mock speech, there were those who feared a unified Mandalore, that would fight if and when it needed to. It was one of the many reasons why Revana received her father's armor at such an early age. Though her colors hadn't revealed themselves to her as of yet. Her Dire-cat cub who was nearly a year old had a beskar collar with the name Vaner.

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