It can't be.. Dorothy?

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Chapter 8,

Mary was stumbling around the forest. The wicked witch of the west says Hello Mary. Mary gets a little scared and yells who's there. The wicked witch of the west says Mary it's me westie. Mary looks around and says Oh hi westie. West comes out from a part of the trees that Mary wasn't able to see her. West says I need a favor. Mary says Oh sure Westie what ever you need. What is it that you need? West says Come with me and I'll explain further of what I need you to do. West took Mary back to where she and her sisters lived. Mary says So let me get this straight you want me to blow some powder on some girl? East says That's right. Mary says I'll do it but can I ask why. North says Because she is trying to change Oz. Mary says Can she do that? West says Yes and no one besides us are trying to stop her. Mary says What why, why, why... Why isn't anyone trying to stop her? North says Because this girl doesn't like the way Oz is and is trying to convince everyone that Oz needs to change. Mary starts to stutter while saying Oh no, no, no she needs to leave Oz alone and go back where she came from. The sisters have a huge grin on their faces. West says We are going to start the spell.

The sisters gather all the ingredients they were going to need for the spell. They were starting the spell. Mary was just watching them do their spell. The sisters were placing the ingredients into the cauldron. After some time the spell was almost ready. All the sisters needed to do was set fire to something of Dorothy's. One of the sister's had some how got a lock of Dorothy's hair. None of the other sisters know how but they just went with it to finish the spell. Mary asks what the spell with do to Dorothy. Mary was worried it would kill her. She didn't want Dorothy to die. Wicked witch of the west says No this won't kill her. It's going to do something else to her. Mary says Okay as long as it doesn't kill her. The Wicked witch of the east tells Mary after the spell is done to go with her so they can put the spell on Dorothy. Hunter one of the flying monkey's grabbed Mary and flew her where Dorothy and them were. Hunter put her down where no one was going to see or hear them.

The wicked witch of the east hands Mary the powder and says Okay Mary you've got one shot. Now get close to the one who has the dog in her arms. Make sure to only get her. Mary says Yes Eastie. She grabs the powder and starts walks towards Dorothy and them. Freya says Oh no. Dorothy says What? Freya says Crazy Mary is coming. Casterjon says So what? Freya says Lion if you are so concerned about someone doing something to Dorothy it would be her. Mary was skipping like a child would and started screaming then got close to Dorothy and blew the powder in her face. Toto turned back into his human form and tackled her and says What did you do? The wicked witch of the east says What I asked her to do for me and my sisters. Dorothy says What do you three do? The witch laughed and says You'll see before leaving them. She went back to hers and her sisters castle. Freya says Stand still I can figure out what they did. Freya does a spell to see what they did to her sister.

Freya was struggling at first to detect the spell but after a couple minutes she says I was only able to detect they put a spell on her but not tell what spell it was. Alex says What can we do to figure out what they did? Freya says My dad is a lot stronger than me, He might be able. Jake says Let's go back to the village then. They turn around and head back to the village. It took them a good while to get back to the village. As they were getting back into the village they seen Chris the baker. Chris says Good Afternoon all. They all say Afternoon Chris. Chris says Oh Dorothy Prince Hayden was looking for you earlier. Freya says Tell Prince Hayden she'll go later I need to get her to my dad. Chris looks concerned and says What's wrong? Freya says The sisters put a spell on her. Chris says Then take it off Frey. Freya says I don't know what spell they put on her Chris or else I would. Chris says Is there anything I can do? Freya says Don't tell Hayd about this yet. We'll tell him when we know for sure what they did and weather we can or can't take it off of her. Chris says Frey you know I can't do that.

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