The scattered Tin man and the lost scarecrow

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Chapter 4,

Dorothy, Toto, and Casterjon the lion were walking by the corn field toto stopped when he seen some of the crops move. He starts to growl at the corn field. Dorothy says Toto what are you barking? He just continues to growl, He rushes into the corn field. Dorothy and Casterjon the lion try to stop him but it was too late he was in the field and because he's a small dog they wouldn't be able to see him. A couple minutes of silence they start to hear a scream and yelling let me go. The lion and Dorothy take a step back and began to hug each other for protection. They start seeing some corn move they are feeling so much fear when they seen that. The screams are getting closer and closer. Then Toto comes out dragging a scarecrow that is moving. Dorothy and the lion are in shocked. None of them have ever seen a scarecrow move led alone talk before.

The Scarecrow is begging for toto to let him go but he's not wanting to. Dorothy tells toto to let him go. Before letting him go toto accidently took a leg off. Dorothy says Bad Toto!! The scarecrow says Oh that's alright I am made of straw so it's not that bad. The scarecrow puts himself back together. He gets himself then says Hi my name is Jacob but my friends call me Jake. Dorothy says Hello I am Dorothy gale and this is my dog toto. The lion says And my name is Casterjon I'm a lion. Jake says Nice to meet you all, say what are you doing in this part of Oz? Dorothy says We are heading to see the great wizard Gabe. The lion says So she can go home and I can become human. The scarecrow says Human really. Oh I wish I can be human. Dorothy says Why don't you come with us then and see if the wizard Gabe will turn you human to. The scarecrow jumps up and says Really you would let me go with you. Dorothy says Of course. The scarecrow says Oh thank you, thank you. They leave on their journey. The scarecrow says Dorothy where is your home? Dorothy says Oh I am from a city called Nevermore. The lion says Is it a nice place to live? Dorothy says Yes and no. Lion says Why no?

Dorothy says I don't really want to talk about the why. The lion and the scarecrow look and know that they shouldn't ask her anymore questions about Nevermore. Else where in Oz, The Ruler of Oz Prince Hayden was practicing his archery with his two best friends Derek and Erik. Prince Hayden was hitting the target every time. Derek and Erik kept missing. Prince Hayden was telling them how they weren't good and jokingly was calling them girls. One of Prince Hayden's employees name Prue came to speak to Prince Hayden about the ball that they were having later that night. Prince Hayden tells her lets talk more in his father's study. Prince Hayden tells Erik and Derek He'll see them later. They both say Yeah okay. As they walk to the study they were finalizing everything for the night. After finalizing the stuff she needed him to finalize she told him the baker Christopher was here for their monthly meeting and to talk about all the things he was baking for the party. Christopher liked to be called Chris for short.

The baker was an average height man who had short brown hair and who had some muscle from all the lifting of the sacks of the flour. Prince Hayden says Hey Chris. Chris says Hello your majesty. Hayden says Is there anything I need to know what is going on with the villagers? Chris says No problems so far that I am aware of. Honestly the witches have not bothered us once today. Hayden with a shocked face says Really? Well that is good to know. Please keep me informed if anything changes. Chris says Yes sir. Also The select deserts you asked for this evening are almost ready. I will have my helper help me bring the stuff over as soon as we are done. Hayden says Thank you Chris. You may go now. Chris bows and says Thank you. He walks out of the study. Hayden was alone in his father's study just thinking about everything that needed to be done for tonight and also curious on why three sisters were not harassing the villagers.

Back with Dorothy, she the lion, the scarecrow and Toto was walking on the path they have been for a while. A little head of them they were seeing tin parts scattered all over the road. The lion was getting scared thinking that the three sisters were up to this. The scarecrow was telling him to be brave and that the old hags shouldn't be feared. Dorothy looks at them and says I don't think they did this Cas. I think this is something else. Dorothy picks up a big piece of metal. Not knowing what it was. Jake the scarecrow picks up what looks like an arm. Casterjon the lion picks up something what looks like it was a head. Casterjon the lion says Hey look this looks like a head. The head started waking up and says Oh joy people. Casterjon the lion starts to lose his mind dropped the head and began screaming and crying about the head moving. Dorothy was trying to calm Casterjon the lion down from his freak out.

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