Escaping to the Pokemon World

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"Aww c'mon bro, how many times we were needed? Not once. And besides, I'm sure you would be able to handle any troubles,"' Latias pleaded.

Latios sighed and flew away. 'She'll never learn,' He thought disappointed, leaving a pouting and worried Latias whole alone in the garden. She looked up to the sky. 'Please be safe Michael,' She thought, worried as to his fate.

With Michael...

I groaned in frustration as I waited for Latias to show up. It felt like I had been waiting for hours, and it was starting to exhaust me. 'C'mon Latias, you promised you'd come,' I thought, telling myself that Latias would somehow reveal herself out of nowhere and would guide me to the pokemon world. I sighed and kept waiting until it started to get dark. I let out a sad coo, taking in the fact Latias would probably never show up. While crying sadly, I slowly flew down, trying to find an excuse for her not to show up but not finding anything that made me feel any better. A shriek of fright abruptly shook me out of my thoughts. I looked down and saw several humans pointing cameras and cellphones at me, filming my true self while a lot of humans ran off screaming "IT'S A MONSTER!"

My eyes widened in shock when I realized that I forgot to turn invisible. Within a matter of seconds, my body gave off a small shower of green light. 'Grr! How could you be so stupid, Michael!' I yelled at myself, frustrated that I had forgotten to turn invisible. I quickly flew back home, startling my family with my appearance. I quickly explained that Latias didn't show up and that a lot of people had filmed me. I managed to calm down after a while but was still incredibly worried about what this event would lead to.

Later in the evening, David turned on the TV to watch the news to see if there was already news out about me. We gulped when a newsreader appeared on the screen. Under her read the words BREAKING NEWS. "There have been several reports of a flying beast of an unknown species that is reported to be able to turn invisible. We have gotten word from the government that the MI5 is being sent to conduct a joint investigation with the military into the creature's appearance," the reporter informed.

My jaw dropped. "THE MILITARY! THEY'RE SEND THE MILITARY TO FIND ME!" as much as I hated to admit it, I would be toast if the president did that.

"Don't forget about the MI5, Michael," My dad added, not making me feel any better.

"Don't worry yet Michael, I don't think they will strike soon," David said.

I looked at my family. "I don't care, I'm not putting you three in danger. I'm leaving. Just say I died or something like that if the military asks questions about me, got it?"

My dad narrowed his eyes. "You're leaving already?"

I nodded. "It's the only way to keep you three safe. Bye, and don't worry, I'll be fine," I said. I had no idea if this would turn out ok for me. I only could hope so.

Without looking back at my family I flew up again and shot through the hole in the ceiling. I took in my surroundings, making note of everything that seemed to be unusual. I couldn't find anything that seemed like it was looking for me but I knew it wouldn't be long. I needed a safe place so I could hide from everyone until all of this was over.

'At least I still have my invisibility to cover myself if things would go wrong,' I thought to myself. But at that moment my mind started racing with thoughts again, mostly about Latias and why she didn't show up. I slammed my claw against my head. 'You fool,' I thought to myself. 'You know you can't trust anyone except your family. And now you're being hunted. All because you believed Latias, if that's even her real name,' I sighed, starting to think that the whole story Latias told me was all a big lie. But I also realized that what had happened, had really happened.

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