7. meeting usopp

360 10 0

Ranma lvl 25

Thunder punch
Dark pulse
Sunny day
Rain dance

Nami: we cant make it to the grand line like this

Luffena: i'll say, we need meat

Zoro: and booze too

Nami: shut up, thats not what i mean!

Ranma: yeah i think she meant transportation you 2. for what i heard there severe weather to stronger pirates, monster etc. i dont think we can make with boats this small...

Nami: exactly, at least you get it ranma and not to mention we need supplies too

Ranma: and not we may need more crew members

Akane: dont worry ranma, i think the 5 of us can make it

Nami: well i think we might need more just to be safe

Luffena: yeah we need a chef and a musician to keep us entertain

Zoro: a musician hahahahahaha

Nami: what idiots[well at least ranma is not that stupid and he easy on the eyes]*blush*

Akane: nami? you ok sis?

Nami: *blush * yeah im fine anyways to the south of here theres islands with small settlements on them. looks like we can get what we need there

Luffena: yeah fresh meat at last!!!!

Zoro: and booze as well...

Nami: is that all you can think about

Akane/Ranma: *sigh* this is gonna be a long trip...

then we both look at each other when we relize we said the same same

[so we're gonna get usopp and the mary]


we landed ashore

Ranma: finally i get to strecth. being on that boat that small really kills me *streching* so theres a village here?

Nami: yeah a small one though...

Luffena: so is this the place where the meat is at?

Ranma: luff, focus on getting a ship then gettting food or booze

Luffena: but i want meant!

Ranma: no point of having meat if we dont have a pla.....*stomach growl*...... *blush* damn it, you got me hungry cause of all of this talk of food

Nami: *sigh* fine, lets go get some.....

Zoro: careful we're being watched

Luffena: really do they have meat?

Nami: nows not the time to think about food

and then we got shot from the cliff and then flags started to appear from the bushes. then sniper.... eh i mean usopp has apeared

Usopp: hahahahaha, im am usopp leader of the invincible pirates that rein over this island. you stand before the living legend captain usopp

Luffena: so cool

Usopp: if you dare of attacking the village i have a army of 80 millon will squash you like bugs

Ranma: ok thats a lie....

Usopp: huh?

Ranma: i say this island cant hold 1 millon let alone 80 millon

Usopp:ah he saw through my bluff, anyway i know 80 millon is a stretch but i still have a massive army

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