A new task

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                                                                                   In the dream

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                                                                                   In the dream

(???) Mother...

(???)where are you going?

(???) somewhere dear I will be back soon for the answers..

(???) what kind of answers?

(???) I am sorry dear but you are to young to know don't worry you will understand in the future...

(???) Your not going to leave me right...?

(???) .........

(???) I will be back in a few days so wipe those tears It hurts me seeing you cry.

(???) Mother..

(???) yes dear?

(???) your not leaving me like dad right...?


(???) of course not mark my words I will be back and when I do we will have the whole day for just two of us.

(???) alright then .. pls take care of yourself Mother and also I love you.

(???) ....... I love you to lily cookie

                                                                      Back to reality

''huff ''huff'

(lily cookie) calm down lily cookie its just that dream again..

(narrator) lily cookie starts to take deep breath in order to calm her self down.

(lily cookie) breath in'' breath out''

(lily cookie) ''sigh''

(lily cookie) why do I keep on having this type of dream?

(lily cookie) ever since she left.... I been having this dreams about the past..

(narrator) lily cookie was so deep in thought that she din't notice right away that the sun is starting to rise.

(narrator) Then suddenly the bright rays of the sun touch lily cookie skin

(lily cookie) It seems to be morning already.. time really do fly fast.

(narrator) Lily cookie slowly get off her bed and walk towards the window.

(Lily cookie) It seems I forgot to lock the window yesterday..

(narrator) lily cookie immediately shivered as the cold breeze entered the room but she cant help but look outside the window and admire.

(lily cookie) The beautiful rays of the sun and the cold breeze of an early morning what did us cookies do to deserve any of this.

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