part 4:the future spiders

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Day has passed onyx one of lilyta servant was working to open back the portal only the teabag which is part of there memories they had in order to open the portal. Lilyta was spider queen and scorpion queen daughter but despite been the queen she care of servants and worried if something bad happen "ONYX,MARINA,ANOTONIO, MARISA" everyone including onyx heard there queen and goes to lilyta.

Lilyta servant bow down to there queen "now all of you wondering why I called you well I'm planning to attack megapolis" antonio kinda not sure about it "um my queen sorry to say are you sure about it we are like still a tee-" marisa bonk anotonio back "hey we can do this even tho we still teen doesn't  mean we are weak beside we all have trained for our live to protect ourself and our loves one" onyx smirk on how marisa the probably energetic and confident in the group "marisa is right but the problem is are you sure about this my queen?" Marina eyes shine like those cartoon excited eyes "I think I had the plan!" Marina rise up both of her hand "what plan?" Lilyta asked "how about we sneak up to the disguise ourself as something then we make surprise attack!" Marina was great at making plan but not great thinker for upcoming danger that the plan could lead to "yeah but sneaking Ain't that easy we need backup plan if anything happened"onyx reply then marina run to onyx lab and take a piece of paper and begin drawing of the plan everyone look at marina "alright first we need to a bot to patrol the area little bit then we disguise our um big stadium like flying ship but pretend we was working for a new um park? Idk we use giant blanke to disguise our ship then went is the time we make surprise attack!" Onyx use her head to think if anything was bad about the plan but seem a good plan "then we also need backup if something goes against the idea" marisa immediately agree with the plan lilyta trust her servant so she agreed Antonio was okay with plan all of them make a high five while smile.

Mk pov:
Day off the work was the best thing I like no work but yet I wanna hang out with someone I tried calling mei but she was well "busy" with something which is something odd to say at least I was soo bored until I realized something what if I hang out with the spider demon but yet given me shiver in my spine but I wanted to try because I lack of communication with them I mean they not like the small spider with big eyes and like thousands eyes but where could spider demon could possible be hmm maybe I could hang out at Pigsy's Noddle shop all of them like hanging out there.

~at Pigsy's Noddle shop~
Mk was right the spider demon are at the shop hanging out like usual "helloo everyone!" Mk enter with a smile "kid aren't you supposed to have day off" pigys ask "yeah but I'm bored I already try to play some games but still bored I tried to call mei but she was busy with something" mk sit one of the chair "so what you all up to?" Mk ask "just chilling nothing more" spindrax was one of spider demon but never fight due to something "yeah and-" hunstman word cut off when a spider bot fell off (idk where cuz I'm to dumb) "AAAHH SPIDERS!" Mk jump of his chair meanwhile spindrax crush the bot "yo syntax is this some of our bots cuz it look like one" syntax take the bot from spindrax hand and analysis it to make sure if one of there bot "didn't look like one they seem to have more different technologies" syntax know what inside there old bot but this one is seem to be "modified" as what he could say "what do mean different technologies?" Hunstman ask "I created the spider bot so I know what inside but this design are more futuristic especially had unknown things inside "future..?that sounds like those new spider demon" spindrax knows about the new spider that have been attacked the city and heck even huntsman and sandy "yeah maybe-" syntax word were cut off by a loud noise outside mk heard it as if there's explosion mk rush to outside to see the explosion everyone also goes outside they saw a giant what it looks like a flying ship with what it looks like spider theme they immediately knew who it was .

The future spider

~inside the flying ship~
"AYO ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS CUZ THIS IS PRETTY NOT 100% COOLER KINDA RISKY FOR LIVES FR!" Antonio comment about how dangerous this plan is "pft pusahy this is the plan we all agreed to" marisa reply back at her twin  brother "WELL I DIDN'T REALIZE HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS AND HOW HALF OF IT IS NOT KOOLER!" Antonio reply with an angry tone onyx on the other hand was making sure everything goes like the plan while marina was drinking tea without knowing they already here she loves tea due how her parents most of the time drink tea "yall want some tea to cool down Antonio could use one" marina trying to make sure everyone was well. Not nervous "FOR ONE SECOND NO I AIN'T DRINKING TEA WHILE DOING SOMETHING THAT 100% NOT COOLER AND COULD RISK OUR LIVES TO DEATH" Antonio yell at marina "alright no more argument time for show down" lilyta walking towards the big door (IDK WHAT IT CALLED😔).

~back at the spiders and mk~
"I think the door is opening" spindrax look at flying ship "wait does that mean there's more trouble that we had to take care of?!" Mk was not ready to fight other person especially a spider the spider jump off from there flying ship and landing without any damages "well,well what do have here isn't that the mk the monkie kid~?" Marina and Marisa are both like hunstman and strong spider "oh look hunts is your future child!" Mk point at marina who is ready to fight "FOR GOODSAKE NO I AIN'T SOMEONE CHILD" mk was sure that the future hunstman was sandy and hunstman child " yeah whatever" marina turn angry and attack mk first with crazy speed that hit mk face.
Meanwhile mk was already at the wall dead(not actually) "woah this kid is totally strong-" spindrax comments on marina strength "hey I'm not a kid-!" Marina tried to act like how a adult would act but fail  because she was not good at pretending "hey hunst you trained you kid so well" spindrax tap on hunstman shoulder "grr shut up!" Marisa shouted"hunsty come!"Marina heard Marisa but her path was blocked by the spiders and mk "nu uh(idk how to spells those) you can't go anywhere until you fight us" marina was not a very experiences at combat so she might lose but she wants to give it a try "alright if that what you ask for" marina trying to be cool while smirk suddenly a blue fog was underneath marina and Marisa feet and disappear in thin air "woah what in the world was that-" spindrax questions about what did they just saw "wait a minute" syntax immediately know something is off "a blue fog could it be.." syntax eyes wide open "do you think what I'm thinking?" Syntax turn around to the spiders and mk "it could be mayor or the spider that attack mk" hunstman was sure about it "mayor wouldn't do that it could be the spider" syntax know that mayor wouldn't do such things "um can y'all explain it-" mk was confused what syntax just say "I AIN'T EXPLAIN IT TO YOU!!" Everyone laughed as if they didn't saw something coming.

~end of part 4~

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