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Loud bangs can be heard.
WICKED soldiers are shooting around. The camp is completely destroyed.
We run through the chaos that WICKED has created. As the rest of the group continues to run, I have to take cover behind large barrels so that I cannot be hit by the bullets.

Split up from the group I look for a weapon to protect myself with.  I find a rifle and grab it. I shoot at as many soldiers as I can to protect myself and the others.
At the vehicle where Vince, Harriet, Lana, Newt, Minho, Frypan and Sonja are standing, an explosion goes off. The group falls to the ground and is taken away to the other prisoners.

When I see the fight slowly coming to an end I stop shooting. Almost everyone is on their knees in rows. ''Where is Thomas'' asks Janson. ''I'm here'' answers Thomas who is led to Janson by a soldier. Janson kicks Thomas hard in the stomach.

Thomas is lined up like the others on his knees.
I have to help them.
As I come up with a plan I suddenly hear Janson talking again. ''Wait, where is Y/N? Panicking, I quickly think of a plan. I place the gun in my pocket and stand straight from behind the barrels.

''Right here,'' I say. Everyone's head turns my direction. WICKED soldiers lead me to where Janson is standing.
''Here is my beautiful daughter'' he says with a smirk on his face.
''Y/N, what does he mean?" asks Lana as she looks at me. ''Didn't she tell you guys?'' asks Janson. ''I'm Y/N's father''

''You're not my father'' I say in disgust for him. He looks at me with a grin.
''Whether you like it or not, I am you father''
''Line her up with the others'' Janson orders the guard standing next to him.
Y/N is placed on her knees next to Thomas. A WICKED Berg lands a little further from where everyone is sitting. 

The Berg's hatch opened. Four guards stepped out of the Berg with Ava following them. The WICKED guards start loading everyone into the Burg. Thomas and I are led to Ava by a guard. 

''Hello Thomas, Hello Y/N.'' she says as she stares blankly at us. Teresa steps towards Ava. ''Glad you're safe''
Frypan, Minho, Newt, and Lana join us. ''What the hell?" says Frypan when he sees Teresa with Ava.

''Wait, what's going on?" asks Newt in his British accent.  ''She's with them'' replies Thomas. ''Since when?" I ask him.
Janson comes to stand next to Teresa ''Oh, Teresa is with us for a while now. She always had an appreciation for the greater good. Since we restored her memories''

''I'm sorry. I had no choice this was the only way'' says Teresa once she sees our reactions. ''You did have a choice. But clearly you think putting a group of teenagers in a maze with monsters is the best way'' snaps Lana from beside me.

'We have to find a cure,'' Teresa stated. ''She's right, this is meant to end it. You used to understand, Thomas and Y/N'' defended Ava. ''No matter what you think of me, I'm not a monster, I'm a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure. No matter the cost''

''We just need more time,'' she explained. ''More blood'' says Mary from behind us. ''Hello Mary'' Ava looks at her coldly ''I was hoping we would meet again. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances.''
''I'm sorry for many things too, but not this. At least my conscience is clear'' Mary tells her. ''So is mine'' said Ava and a loud gunshot could be heard, making me jump slightly. 

I look at where Mary is standing and see that her face is very white. Blood was slowly coming from her stomach.
''Mary!" cries Vince as he catches her before she could hit the ground. Vince continued to cry out in sorrow. I looked at Janson and see him with a gun in his hand pointing to where Mary was just standing. ''You monster!" I shout and slowly start to step toward him but am stopped. I slowly look at my wrist to see that Newt has grabbed it.

He looks me in the eye. ''He's not worth it''
I nod and take his hand in mine.
''Come Janson load them up, all these people. Let's go'' Ava orders. Guards started to step toward you but Thomas pulls out a bomb. ''Get back''  Janson, Ava and Teresa panicked and quickly come back to where we are standing. ''Hold fire'' shouts Janson. ''Let them go!'' Shouts Thomas as he points to everyone in the Berg. 

''Thomas put it down,'' Janson said.  ''Let them all go'' he orders. ''You know we can't do that'' says Ava as she takes a step closer. ''Thomas, please '' begs Teresa with tears in her eyes. ''Please stop, I made a deal with them, they promised, they promised we would be safe each of us''
''So I'm supposed to trust you now?" asks Thomas angrily.

''It was het only condition'' Ava added. ''Shut up'' shouted he at her.
''Everyting van go back to the way it was'' Ava says calmly.

''The way it was?" I asked ''Do you mean by how it was like living in the middle of a maze where monsters live that want to devour you? I'd rather blow myself up than have to go back!''

''Do you want each of them to have to die?''

''Listen to her Thomas. Think about what you're doing''

Minho, Frypan, Newt, Lana and I all went to stand beside and behind Thomas. ''Do it Thomas'' Minho said to him.  

''We're not going back there, it's the only way''

I hold Newt and Lana's hands tightly. Just before Thomas can explode the bomb a car drives into a helicopter very fast.
The propellers fly through the air; everyone quickly bends down to avoid being hit. Jorge jumps out of the car.

The fight begins again and everyone takes the first weapons they can find. I take out the rifle that is in my pocket and hide behind barrels. I try to hit as many WICKED guards as possible. Newt, Frypan and Thomas hide behind barrels along with me. Minho gets electrocuted. WICKED guards take him away. ''Minho! Thomas tries to run to him. Newt, Frypan and I follow him.

Jorge stops Thomas but he keeps trying to get to Minho. We all watch as the Hatch closes and the Berg takes off.

✨1100 Words

Subject  B12  The survivorOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora