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Yes I am going to be skipping a few parts, mostly the talks with Uriel, sorry :) also her nickname is pronounced Ad, but spelled like Ade. Enjoy

I heard someone shout, "Scatter!" And I jumped to the side, quickly. I rolled, avoiding the blast of electricity the dragon sent from its mouth. I stood up and ran, pulling my gun out and shooting at the dragon.

I got three shots on it, none of them doing anything, before it jammed. I hit it a few times, and shot again.


"Shit!" I cursed. I ran faster, getting behind a big rock. I took my gloves off and opened it quickly, trying to get it to unjam.

"Sister! I need your help!" Percy ran by.

"I'm trying!" I shouted back. I ducked my head down as the dragon cut the rock in half. I cursed again, grabbed my gloves and ran. The dragon's head followed me, and I realized there was nothing I could hide behind.

The dragon hit the rocks above me, making them fall onto me. I dove out of the way, almost making it, before a rock slammed onto my foot.

I screamed and my gun and gloves went flying.

I looked back and saw the dragon smile.

"No, no no no no!" I tried kicking the rock off with my other foot, but it was too heavy. I stared at the dragon as it opened its mouth to kill me.

I heard a gun go off, and the dragon whipped its head around to my brother.

Vax and Vex ran to me, Vex pulling the rock up and Vax dragging me out from under it. Vex grabbed my gun and gloves, and I wrapped my arm around Vax's waist. I put one glove on and carefully put the other on, trying to keep my balance. I held my gun and we slowly made our way to the rest of the group.

We stood in a big pile, my left leg limp. I leaned against Vax, and Pike went to heal my leg. But the dragon had other plans. It opened its mouth to blast at us, and she quickly put a shield up. But no.

It blasted the rocks above us, making them fall on us. Vax held me tight to his chest, falling backwards so my foot wouldn't get hurt.

I looked around and saw little bits of daylight through the cracks of the rocks. Keyleth had made a spiky vine barrier around us.

I heard the dragon snort, really close to us. Then it took off. We waited until we couldn't hear the wings. Then Scanlan shouted, "Get me out of here! I'm trapped under Grog's ass!"

Grog got up, while Keyleth opened the vine barrier a little. He pushed the rocks out of the way. Scanlan then got up and I saw my brother.

"So this is what rock bottom feels like." He groaned, then out his face back into the dirt.

I laughed, then I tried to get up, forgetting about my foot. I hissed in pain and fell back into Vax's lap.

Pike came over and said, "Hold on, Ade."

She closed her eyes, her hand hovering over my foot, and I watched as her hands started to glow.

The pain faded away, slowly, and I watched as my foot reshaped itself. She smiled at me.

"Thanks, Pickle." I tested it, then stood up and walked out.

Vax followed me and said, "Thanks, Kiki. But did you have to make it so thorny?"

Keyleth muttered something under her breath, coming out. I raised an eyebrow, but she shook her head and joined the group.

"You okay, buddies?" Pike asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." Grog responded, his hand on the side of his chest. "But, is this normal?" He took his hand off, and blood spewed and I could see his ribs.

I put a hand over my mouth and gagged. Pike held her hand to the wound and healed him, but she wobbled, falling backwards.

She didn't hit the ground but I'm not sure if what happened was any better. Scanlan caught her, and held her for a while.

I raised an eyebrow, staring at him. I knew he liked her. The way he talked about her, the way he looked at her, the way he smiled when she did anything. Same with my brother. I knew he liked Vex, not only because he told me but because he's very transparent to me.

"Uhh, can you put me down?" Pike said, blinking a few times.

"Oh, yeah, uh.." Scanlan let go of her after standing her up. His face was red and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

I glanced at my brother, who was staring at Vex. I smile softly. I could tell Vex liked him too.

I glanced at Vax. He was looking at me, but once I looked over, he darted his eyes away nervously.

I furrowed my eyebrows, scared that he was getting into his head again. But before I could ask, the group started talking.

And I was left out of the conversation. I stared at them for a few minutes. Then I walked through them to where the dragon was. I leaned against a tree near the cliff, and stared down at the little lake at the bottom of the cliff. There was a waterfall not too far from where we were.

I saw deer drinking from it, along with wolves and other animals. But they weren't attacking each other.

I carefully sat down and watched the animals.

The deer were standing next to the wolves, completely fine. I was waiting to see a wolf pounce on them, but nothing happened. They just kept drinking.

It was a watering hole.

I smiled to myself and swung my legs gently.

"Aye, fang face. Time to go." I heard Scanlan shout at me. Yeah, I have slight fangs.

"I'm coming, horny ass bitch." I replied, standing up and walking over to the group, my hands in my coat pockets.

I walked alongside my friends, and I felt my hair. It was extremely messy, so I brushed my fingers through it and put it up in a ponytail. I left two strands to frame my face.

I glanced behind me to see Vax and Vex talking. They were quiet, and I suddenly felt like I was intruding on a sibling moment, so before either of them saw me, I turned back around.

I felt lonely. Percy was leading the group, along with Scanlan and Grog. Keyleth was talking to Percy, Pike was talking with Grog, and Scanlan was really just trying to talk with them, but getting ignored.

I looked down at my feet. Then I heard Scanlan. "Kind of lonely by yourself, isn't it?" He laughed nervously.

I smiled. "I'm used to it." My smile faded. "Nothings changed since I left Whitestone."

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking up at me.

"Even though I was a princess, nobody knew about me. I had no friends. Percy was the only sibling that would talk to me. Everyone else.. well they.." i cut myself off.

"Adelyn.. I'm so sorry."

I shrugged. "Don't be. Helped me learn."

"Learn what?"

"Learn that you can't rely on anyone. Not fully. Even my brother I have my doubts about. He lets his anger get the better of him, especially about.."

"About who?"


Scanlan stayed silent for a second. Then he blurted out, "How do you tell if someone.. actually likes you?"

I smirked at him. "As in, friend like or.."

"The.. other.. one." His face turned red and he hunched down, his shoulders coming up to cover his beet red ears.

I laughed. "Who do you want to know about?"


I ruffled his hair. "If you're asking me how to tell if someone likes you, you know the answer deep down."


"Think, Scanlan."

"Thank you."

Vax'ildan VessarWhere stories live. Discover now