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I just came back to my grandparents home after an afternoon of training and helping the poor,even tho there aren't many.

I walk in and take my shoes off. I immediately spot my nan.

"Greetings Nan!".i greet.

"Greetings to you too Yuki!" She greets back.

"How was your afternoon?" I ask.

"Nothing out of the ordinary,but i have some big news for you." She says.

"Really and what might that be?" I ask.

"Come on me and your grandpa wil tell you together over tea" she says. So we walk  to the living room where pops was located.

"Greetings pops!" I say.

"Ohayo dear" say my Grandfather.

I sit down and start to have a pleasant conversation with my grandfather. Then my grandmother enters the living room and places our tea on the table.

"Thank you Nan!" I say great fully.

"Well,we have a big surprise for you Ayuki." Says my gran.

"You've told me that already?" I say.

"Well, we thought, that it'll be great if you go back home." Says pops with a plane ticket in his hand.

I gasp "really?"i ask.

"Yes really, you've been stuck with us for 4 years now so we thought,you are able now to go back, you've learned so much already and your really fluent in your Chinese now." Says Nan.

"Thank you very much!" I say as i bow my head.

"No problem kid,but it's best to go pack your stuff,your leaving after tomorrow." Pops says.

I stand up,nod my head and walk to my room,when I'm out of sight,my Nan says"i think she's excited." "I think too" said pops.

Back with me in my room.

I AM SO EXCITED!!I GET TO SEE GAMI(Kagami's nickname),MOM,CHLOÉ AND ADRIKKINS(it is still Chloe's nickname for Adrien you just like to use it from time to time)!! I AM LITERALLY EXTACTIC!!

After some time of packing.

I'm almost finished packing,only need to finish one drawer.

I open the drawer and find a weird looking box. 'hm strange i don't remember buying this ' i think as i open it.

A light comes out of with and i close my eyes. Then suddenly a thing appears in front of me.

"Ahh-!" I start.

"Hey! Calm down,i mean no harm." It says as it puts it's tiny hands on my mouth.

I inhale And exhale and say "what are you?"

"I'm your kwami! Zukki is my name!" It says.

" Ummm sorry if it sounds rude but are you a girl?" I ask.

"Oh no it's ok! And yes i go by the pronouns she/they/her!"it-sorry she says.

"Ok Zukki right?" I say

"Yes! And I'm the scorpion miraculous! I give you the power of poison,you can activate it when you defend or get angry and can store it in your tale and when to use,you just sting them with your tale and they take any of your orders for 5 minutes if it's all charged up,if half Then 3 minutes and not more than 3 spots charged only a minute. You have to put ur ring on and then say Zukki Telson up! To transform and to de-transform you say Zukki Telson down! Oh and your claws can scratch, break or pop anything!" Zukki rants.

"You'll be fighting along side with Ladybug and Chat noir to defeat hawkmoth and save Nooro in Paris ." She continues.

"Ok cool, I'm going to Paris after tomorrow after all." I say as i put my ring on my right ring finger.

"Oh and you gotta keep me a secret. And after you de-transform you always gotta give me some food. I eat ,rice balls,cookies, croissants or fruits!" She says.

"Ok,can I try transforming?" I ask.

"Sure i don't see why not!" She says.

"Ok then. Zukki Telson up!" I say as i start transforming.

"Wow" i say as I'm done transforming.

"Wow" i say as I'm done transforming

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'It's so pretty!' i think.

"Zukki Telson down!" I say as i go back to my normal self.

"Oh and I almost forgot,when you are about to de-transform after 5 minutes after you used your power your ring will start blinking and changing the scorpion shape to a straight line.," She says.

"Ok accurate." I say nodding. "Would you mind waiting a little while i finish packing then go get some food?" I ask. she shakes her head signaling no.

As I'm finishing packing my stuff Zukki says "Ayuki your so polite!" I giggle quietly not audible and say a little " thank you, and you are very pleasant to talk to and have around." As I'm done with packing and she goes to my hoodie's pocket.

"Let's go get some cookies!" Zukki exclaims.

"Good to know I'm not the only one that loves cookies here." I whisper. And head to the kitchen.

Well that's it for the epilogue! You can head to the next chapter now! Thank you for reading! 
843 words!!

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