*chapter 3 bullshit

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The next day i walked into school. I had checked my bag like 30 times that morning to check if i had everything and i did. Still i had the feeling i was forgeting something. I just dint know what it could be. I walked up to Liam who was standing by the lockers. "Hey" I said. "Hey" he said and kissed me. "Ewww gross" I heard and turned Around to see mason there holding his hands before his eyes. "Oh my god don't be such a baby" Cory said. To bother mason I kissed Liam again. "Eeewww!" Mason said again. I just laughed. The bell rang and we all went to class I had math with Liam and Hayden. When we walked into the classroom I sat down at my usual chair. Liam was about to sit down next to me. "Liam sit next to me?" Hayden asked in a flirtatious voice. "Uhm" Liam said and looked at me then at Hayden. "Sure". Liam went down to sit next to Hayden and she smirked at me. I just ignored her and focused on my lesson.

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