They settled into each other, Harry's arm wrapped around Y/N as her head leaned against his chest.

He too, was really starting to notice.

Y/N woke up to the feel of fingers brushing a loose stand of hair away from her face.

Harry was testing the waters, he needed some true indicator. The flush in her cheeks gave him exactly that.

"Morning" Harry said, his voice containing that morning raspiness.

God it was fucking hot.


"Good morning" Y/N replied, giving Harry a soft smile. Her mind felt at ease, and being so comfortable with Harry was just so incredibly relaxing.

And then it clicked.

They were going to Paris today.

Y/N's eyes darted to the clock, seeing that they only had half an hour before Giovanni would be expecting them.

They were late.

Y/N bolted up.


She walked over to her drawers, pulling out the clothes she'd wear.


She grabbed her backpack, unzipping it and shoving her dress to the bottom.

"Potter." She glared at Harry, who had now sat to lean his back against the headboard, an amused grin playing at his lips. "Stop looking at me like that."

Harry's grin only widened. "Explain to me why you've gotten all grumpy" He stood up and grabbed hold of his backpack.

Y/N rolled her eyes "I'm am not 'grumpy'" she huffed, earning a soft laugh from Harry. "Shut up. We're just running low on time and you're just sitting there smirking"

Harry too gave her a playful roll of his eyes before standing up. "You act as if there's only one train to Paris"

Y/N launched a pillow at him. "Pack what you're taking, and wipe that look off your face"

Harry raised an eyebrow. Which of course, infuriated Y/N. She grabbed onto the box of croissants and held them over the trash can. "Start packing or these die"

Needless to say, Harry started to pack.


Despite Harry's purposeful attempts at getting a rise out of Y/N persisted, they did manage to get out to the lobby of the estate on time. At the lobby, they were faced with small tote bags filled with breakfast items to-go. This included, a small container of mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries), a neatly wrapped egg and cheese croissant with a logo of the estate burned onto the very top. It was the fanciest to-go meal they had ever had.

Y/N and Harry enjoyed their breakfast in the back of the limo, Harry handing all of his raspberries and blackberries to Y/N because the little hairs made him uncomfortable.

Y/N had been very amused by the declaration.

Once they arrived to the train station, they told Giovanni that they would be heading over to a small town only half an hour away, and despite Giovanni insisting that he drive them there, they told him that they wanted the experience of public transportation.

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