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January 10th 1975

The first Slytherin student walked into the great hall early Friday morning for breakfast and a few muffled laughs echoed off the walls.

"Remus you bloody genius" Sirius whispered excitedly

"It was nothing" he said bashfully
"Awe don't be so modest moony" Ella giggled.

A few more Slytherin students trickled into the hall and they looked at each other.

A few of them looked around trying to work it out. The confused conversations carrying around the room.

As more and more students came to breakfast the Slytherin students began to panic.

"What the fuck is this?" Severus shouted grabbing at his long greasy hair

Ella and the boys laughed loudly and he narrowed his eyes at them
"Should have known" he hissed.

The great hall was full of Slytherin students with red and gold hair much to their dismay.

"I assume this was your work?" Lily asked as the three girls walked in joining them

"Who else?" James asked a cocky smile on his face.

Marlene laughed and Mary rolled her eyes
"Ella did you help with this?" Lily asked
"Guilty" she said

"We've gone over this, you can't encourage them" Mary teased

The panic in the great hall rose and the Slytherin students were shouting and arguing among themselves.

"Absolutely brilliant lads" Peter laughed
"Oi" Ella scolded
"Sorry lads and Ella"

"Thank you" she smiled satisfied with his response.

Slughorn and Mcgonagall were dealing with the upset students and the boys attempted to sneak out.

"You five" Mcgonagall snapped
"Detention tonight at seven"

Their smiles faded and they stomped out of the hall
"Almost made it" Sirius sighed

"A captain always goes down with his ship" James said saluting his friends making them laugh.

"Come on losers let's go we don't want to be late to history of magic" she said groaning

"We don't?" Peter asked and the rest of the boys laughed.

The five friends walked to Mcgonagalls office and arrived at seven on the dot.

"How's it going Minnie" Sirius said walking through the doorway.

She looked up over her glasses and let out a long drawn out sigh.

"Mr. Black you may head to the potions classroom and begin scrubbing cauldrons for Professor Slughorn" she said not wasting any time.

"Mr. Lupin you'll be helping professor Slughorn with some essay grading" she told Remus.

"Mr. Potter you'll be sorting through his storeroom and Mr. Pettigrew you'll be in here with me"

"Oh and Miss. Gallagher you'll be polishing silver in the trophy room"

They all hung their heads and dispersed to their assigned task, Peter taking a seat across from Mcgonagall.

Ella dragged her feet as she walked towards the trophy room in no rush to get there.

It was such a waste of time polishing the trophies.

Two hours later Ella was done. Every trophy in the case sparkled. She on the other hand had polish all over and was a mess.

Intertwining your soul (with somebody else) // Fabian Prewett Where stories live. Discover now