Day 5, continuous, pondering

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I fell madly in love with Amelia rose the hedgehog.... I should've noticed it earlier the way she makes me feel ever since that time in the ark, she's always tried to get to know me. she was so kind and even as she got older, her vibrant personality, never shy away. when she was younger, she would always talk about sonic, but on the occasions, she didn't talk about sonic She was funny, smart, strong, beautiful, sharp-witted and interesting. She's so many things that I couldn't even describe but her compassion is what makes rose, rose. She helped me get out of my dark space...when she is around everything seems a little too light so white and bright I might get blinded.... but if it's with her, I'll gratefully go blind.

As I keep thinking swimming through my various thoughts, I look out the window the sun is rising. I guess I didn't get any sleep last night. How could I? I haven't loved in a long time and I've never loved someone like that, so this is new and although I don't wanna admit it I'm kind of scared if she and I were dating, wouldn't I just hurt her and bring her in harm's way let her be a target for all the many people who despise me? she probably wouldn't say yes even if I did have the nerve to ask her I mean, I'm a monster, an alien made to be a weapon for the government a failed project, the most we could be would be friends... I still don't know why she wants to be my friend after all the things I did to her and her friends... I was broken out of my deep thought, as I feel a finger poking at my shoulder




Amy's POV

I do my little routine after waking up today. I feel a little more tired than usual. My voice is all sleepy and soft-spoken. Today I don't feel like wearing my signature outfit. Unlike when I was younger, I don't wear the same outfit every day. I wear the same outfit a lot like a lot but I can change it up. Sometimes it's not often but way more than I used to, the only time I did dress differently was when going swimming and going to a fancy event other than that I wore the same outfit every. single. day. like with a uniform or something, nowadays I usually switch it up when I'm going to the mall or just randomly I usually only do it a couple times randomly a month. I put on a short grayish cyan comfy spaghetti strap dress it's baggy but shows my shape. It has a small slit on my side that's tied with shiny black rings, I put similar rings on my hair to make my pink tails. I should wear it more, it's one of my favorite comfy clothes.

I go downstairs to change shadows wraps and make breakfast, to my surprise he's already awake. He looks deep In thought, I poke his shoulder 5 times getting faster each time. he looks up at me and shoots up, he grunts in pain. He moved WAYYYY too fast and he properly stretched his wound! I put my hands on his chest " whoa whoa there! calm down let's get you to the bathroom!" I say worried as I pick him up, and walk toward the bathroom. He looks down I can't see his face....why is he acting like the first time we did this I thought he was used to it by now, and I try to brush it off, his leg has fully healed. So now he'll just have to walk a little more cautiously. I changed his wraps the stomach scare stretched more than I thought, I traced the edges of the scare it should have been done by tomorrow but I guess it will be done by Sunday "hmmm" I say wondering why he would do something so careless...

'It doesn't seem like him to do that...maybe he's just having an off-day...' I thought still tracing the scare, suddenly I felt Shadow grip the hand that I using to touch him with. I looked up to see what the problem is " I-I um...can we go back to the" he says shielding his face with one of his hands...stuttering!?!?

My eyes go wide did he just stutter!?!? I thought it was surprising when Rogue stuttered but SHADOW! I've never heard him stutter the most I got from him was he being awkward. in all the years I've known him I've never heard him talk like that, something is going on with him.

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