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It’s a cave made of dirt and limestone, a small area for long ranged weapons dug from within the mountain range to create a safe place to train. A multi-colored rug lines the hard ground below my feet in patches with worn fabrics and tears traveling across it. Ash leads us closer to the straw targets with a few bullets and arrows poking out if the center of the painted circle, turning to stare rebelliously at the Boss as we halt.

I walk forward, cutting a path through the other soldiers as I come to a stop in front of the woman. Compared to her much taller friend from before, she had seemed almost tiny. Standing before her now though, we come nearly nose to nose and shoulder to shoulder in height.

The woman glares at me openly as I stand at attention before her, planting my feet with arms clasped behind my back as we were taught while in the Boss’ presence. His approaching footsteps draws Ash’ hateful gaze to him instead, ferociously disguised intent lining her features without a need to conceal the thoughts on her face.

I resist the urge to flinch as images and thoughts of the woman being forcefully drug down the hall to the Chambers inflict my thoughts. Surprisingly, the Boss ignores the brazen stare to turn to me.

“Don’t kill her, but teach her why your referred to as the best in the Ring.”

I’m uncomfortable in my boots as the praise falls from his lips. I may be undefeated in the Ring, but everyone else within the tier-four compound are also undefeated as well. They’re still alive after all. I say nothing, though. With a nod of command, he steps back with a gleeful little laugh at the woman in front of me.

This is a show, like all the others. My only purpose is to fight like usual without the heavy scent of death hanging over us.

I curve my shoulders down and in, relaxing my hands at my side with bent knees to face my opponent. With a wry little smirk, she does the same. Our training is similar after all.

She rushes me In a flurry of movement; she kicks out with her left leg to nail me in the knee, and I dodge the strike while also turning away from the fist aimed at my face. I strike out with an open palm to her solar plexus, adjusting the flow of my rhythm as she uses one hand to stop my movement altogether. I push forward, throwing her off balance as she tries to plant her feet and bend lower for the advantage. With that, the motions are set. I lower myself lower still, looping my free arm around her forward leg as I tuck and roll with her. We fall to the ground in a rush and within seconds I have her in a headlock. I duck my head behind her neck as she tried to break free, her arm grasping for anything to use to her advantage with reaching arms.

As she slackens in my grip, I accidentally lock eyes with Boss standing a few feet away with a scowl on his face. That face, his true face, of malicious intent, has my heart speeding up without my consent. Control. It is what I pride myself the most on; but in front of the only man that can reduce me to a puddle of blood and broken bones, I’m nothing but a tool.

The look on his face tells me this isn’t enough.

I’m shaking as I release the woman, trying to hide the tremble in my fingers as I wipe sweaty palms on my training pants.

Ash jumps to her feet with a snarl, turning on me before her balance can truly equalize. My breathing is harsh, but not from the training itself, as I duck low to use her momentum against her. Instead of throwing her to prevent further damage, I swing as she tries to plow into me. My fist is throbbing and soar as she meets my fist head-on, feet flying out from beneath her as we meet with a crunch.

As she falls on her back with a gasps jaw hanging open just a tad too wide for her face, she doesn’t utter a sound. She’s wheezing as two un-named escorts come forward to drag her away.

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