Chapter one

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Jason was walking around all beaten and called his friend to where they first met so they could talk. Jason was really exhausted when he finally made it to the destination and stopped there waiting for his friend to show up. He had cuts and bruises on his arms, legs, and his face.

Jason had a long burn mark on his left arm and it stung so badly that he let out a quiet whimper. There were some black marks on his burn mark and it was probably some parasites that stuck themselves to it, because Jason never had time to bandage it up. He got rid of the parasites but there were still some that he couldn't take to pull off.


Red hood stood on top of the roof eyeing his target. He took his gun out and shot the first person with a silencer that was all alone and no one was around. Someone dropped behind him as he took his gun and pointed it at the figure that was standing behind him as he turned around. "Who are you?" Red hood asked. The person put his hands up to show no harm.

The person had a quiver and a bow on his back. His outfit was purple and black. "Woah. You can put the gun down there. I wasn't going to hurt you." the stranger said. Red hood lowered his gun but kept it in his hands just in case the stranger did anything, "My name is Clint. I am also known as Hawkeye and I was assigned to get rid of these people that you are currently doing." Clint explained.

"Jason. I'm also known as Red hood, pretty famous where I come from." Jason said, Clint nodded to show that he was listening. "Would you like some help with your mission?" he asked suddenly not prepared for that question. Jason was in deep thought before he answered the question, "Sure, it would be easier," Clint nodded and asked who was the boss.

The boss was Riddler. He hated him very much but not as much as the Joker that took everything from him and caused him to die alone, but he was also mad at Batman for not coming sooner to save him! He thought of a plan to kill Batman when he got the chance but never did. But now he has an idea to kill him when it's just Bruce and Jason alone...

But he had to wait of course. Jason and Clint jumped down together and started to attack the people that were working for Riddler. They were all cleared up in 12 minutes and they started toward Riddler's office. Jason jumped down from the window while Clint came in through the door? Nevermind that, they had the Riddler surrounded, "So you come here to get away from Gotham so your plan can work without Batman or anyone else disturbing your plans?" Jason asked in a mocking tone.

"So Batman sent you here with a little friend I see." Riddler avoided the question, "Hey, buddy, thinking that you will have no problems here, well, you're wrong because the Avengers are here stopping people like you!" Clint said, with a bit of deadliness in his voice, Jason was almost laughing at Riddler's face that was full of shock and a bit of fear. "How about we put your life to an end here, shall we?" Clint said, before Jason could process what he just said Riddler was laying on the ground a pool of blood surrounding him.

Jason was glad that he had his helmet on because his face was full of fear. He doesn't know what Bruce will say to this but he knows that it's going to be terrible for him. Clint looked at Jason and held out his hand, Jason shook it, "Here. You can call or text me whenever. Consider this as friends and family to the avengers." he said. He gave Jason a card with his phone number and left him. Jason shoved it in his pocket and began his way home to Gotham.


Jason was in the batcave with Bruce alone. Jason already told him what happened and he looked mad even though his face didn't show it and it scared him because Jason didn't want to be near him. "Jason, you were supposed to bring the Riddler here so we could bring him to Arkham," he said in his disappointed voice. Jason tried to explain to him but he didn't listen and burned Jasons' arm and it hurt. Jason held in a scream, so his brothers wouldn't hear or Alfred.

Jason looked at his left arm and almost made me gag from the smell, because there was a long burn on his left arm that almost made it to his hand, and it was fresh because that was the worst thing since it smelled bad and it also stung a lot. Jason got a punch to the face, and a few of them were cuts from a knife that Bruce had in his hands that Jason didn't see.

~Back to the present~

Jason was sitting on the ground, head against the wall in New York. He had enough of listening to Bruce so he decided to run away and stay away from Gotham for the rest of his life. Jason's vision was getting blurry and he could see black dots too. Before he blacked out he saw Clint jump down from the building and ran up to him.

Not bad right? If you want me to change it I can. I think this is an interesting start for the first chapter don't you think? Anyhow now the next chapter

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