01: I Have A New Home - And It Passes The OHS Inspection

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I had originally thought that today would be like any other. I would get up, go to training, work on my powers and plot my escape.

I didn't guess that I would be doing more than just plotting.

The day started out normal. I woke up and was given food through the slot in the door of my cell. It was the same as always – bread and cheese, and a tin cup of water. I ate it in silence, the only sounds being my quiet munching and the light clang of metal on metal when my limiters hit the tray.

The limiters were pretty useful to Hydra. Although they didn't restrict my powers entirely, it was enough for the agents to knock me out with a tranquilliser from a distance without much interference on my part. Hydra had special-made tranquillisers just for me. With Hydra's super-soldier serum as well as power from the Tesseract, I was one of their most powerful assets, as well as their most dangerous.

Controlling me was something they struggled with. I'd been here for as long as I could remember, but it was only recently that I'd become more 'rebellious', as they liked to call it. It started when I realised my trainer was brainwashed. I was thirteen when I'd come to understand that the gaps in the Winter Soldier's mind weren't normal. That the gaps in my mind weren't normal. Spaces of nothingness, some for weeks, some years.

But I remembered the Winter Soldier. He was never as cruel as the other agents – he was as nice as a brainwashed soldier could be. He was always gentle with me, as if I was something special to him. He was the closest thing to a father I'd ever had – or, at least what I could remember I'd ever had.

Once I'd finished my breakfast I slid the tray back through the slot. They usually waited about fifteen minutes before taking me to the training rooms. They wanted to keep me strong and ready for the day they needed me.

I counted down the minutes until they were going to come and get me. There were three minutes and forty-seven seconds left when the building shook. I threw my arms out to steady myself and my door banged open, five agents rushing in, covered in full tactical armour. Before I could think, the one closest to me grabbed me and jabbed a needle into my neck. I shrieked and struck him, sending him flying into the opposite wall.

The other agents raised their weapons at me, and I slowly raised my hands in surrender. The action was tiring, and I could feel exhaustion seeping into my bones. Two of the agents grabbed my arms and dragged me out of my cell with little resistance on my part. What the hell had they injected me with?

The building continued to shake every now and then as the agents carted me down the hallways. I could have sworn I heard a roar in the distance, but everything was sluggish, so I couldn't be sure.

The door at the end of the hallway burst open, and red, blue, and silver glinted in the overhead lights for a moment before the agents beside me opened fire. Bullets pinged off of the circular shield, and I felt my breath catch in my throat as I realised who the shield belonged to, as I realised that this could be my chance to escape.

I gathered all of my remaining strength and punched the guard to my left as hard as I could. He instantly crumpled to the floor, and I swept another off their feet. As the rest of the agents turned on me, Captain America threw his shield, and it bounced off of the other guards. He jogged over to me after catching his shield.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

I nodded slowly, trying to blink the fatigue away. I took a step towards him but my legs shook so much that I fell into him. He steadied me and started talking, but I could barely hear him. He started saying something else, but it refused to register in my brain. If only I could get these stupid limiters off and my regeneration could kick in and get rid of this drug...

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