"I don't think I can do that.....I can't drop everything and move to LA just to follow you around like a lost puppy. I have a life of my own too"

"Of course you do, I'm not implying that you don't."

"Are you sure? Cause it seems like you just want me to be around you for the heck of it"

"I mean I'd be lying if I said I didn't want you to move in with me so that I could see you on a regular basis but aside from that think of the many opportunities in LA. There's so many modeling agencies to choose from" I sighed knowing he did have a good point. Unfortunately I wasn't making much progress out here as an aspiring model. I mean I've taken headshots and applied to agencies but I just keep getting rejected. There aren't many agencies or even agents in this town because everyone believes it doesn't matter anymore. Instagram models are the new runway models but I don't want to go that route.

"Honestly, I don't even know if that's something that I want to pursue anymore"

"You're kidding?"

"No it's just...it's not going anywhere."

"It's not going anywhere because you're not allowing it to."

"What? Of course I am. I applied to so many agencies"

"How many of those agencies were out of state?"


"Exactly, look I'm not saying it has to be LA but you need to start thinking outside the box. You are literally a walking art show, you need to start really embracing it"

"I'm trying babe...."

"I don't think you're being completely honest as to why you don't want to continue with modeling. What's the real reason?" He threw his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him

"I absolutely hate it when you do that" he chuckled "How you can you see right through me so clearly?"

"I-I don't know like I said, it comes naturally when you love someone. You study them without even trying to. Now can you answer the question "

"I...don't worry about it, it's nothing."


"Bella?" Justin was suddenly interrupted by a deep voice which caused us both to shoot our heads up. My stomach immediately twisted into knots disgusted by what my eyes laid on

"You've got to be kidding me...." I whispered underneath my breath "Babe let's go home" I quickly demanded as I stood to my feet grabbing Justin by the wrist in the process. He looked more than confused as he stared into my eyes following my lead

"Babe, who was that? Why'd you just ignore him like that?" He questioned as I lead us to his car. I remained silent trying my best to not explode with anger. Why was he following me?

"Can you unlock the car—"

"Arabella! Wait up" I groaned as he jogged up. This can't be happening "Yo why'd you just dip like that?"

He chuckled as he looked at me "Woah Justin Bieber! So it is true? You guys are a couple?"

Justin Bieber

Her body language made it very obvious that she wasn't a fan of whoever this guy was. I watched silently as she stared at him with much hatred.

"Who's this?"

"This is....no one." She answered softly shifting her eyes to the ground. Her bright aura was now dark ad grey. It's like this guy's presence alone had a huge negative affect on her and it was hard to watch.

"Aww come on, we go way back. I'm Eric, your girl over here, and I used to date" No wonder he looked familiar. He was that guy from that picture she'd shown me some time ago

"Interesting, well nice meeting you, we gotta get going"

"Oh wait what's the rush? Bella can I speak to you for a second?"

"No Eric, please just leave me alone" she stated before turning around to walk away. That was until he he grabbed her shoulder

"I just need to—" Instantly, because of his actions, I grabbed his shoulders as a first instinct pushing him slightly away. What gave him the right to touch her even after seeing just how uncomfortable he made her? I could so quickly see just what type of guy he was. Stalking, obsessive type of asshole that never wants to see their ex move on and be happy without him.

"She said no..."

"Bro stay out of this before someone calls the paparazzi and make tabloids about your weak ass"

I chuckled at his suggestion "Honey get in the car."

"Huh? But we should—"

"Get in the car" I repeated rubbing her lower back to ensure her that everything would be fine. I've learned from my past mistakes and I'm now smart enough to not allow my temper to sky rocket and to not react in public. Nine times out of ten, that's exactly what this loser wanted.

She nodded quietly walking away

"Are we gonna have a problem ?"

He chuckled rubbing his hand down his face "Yo there's no way some pretty boy from Hollywood is gonna scare me. Just stay out of this young Hollywood."

"Scare you? Why would I try to do that?" I chuckled "I just figured we'd talk like men"

"I don't have shit to talk about with you."

"Bro....you're embarrassing yourself at this point. You're following my girl around, tormenting her pleading for some attention. When will you move on? Either you move on on your own, or I'll help you"

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"Why would I threaten you? There's no need for things like that, like I said I'm just here so we can talk things out like men"

"I want her back...I'm gonna get her back."

"Really? Good luck. I heard you might have some serious competition."

"This isn't a game"

"Who's playing? I mean it bro, good luck"

"Yo if i don't speak to her right now I swear I'll—"

"You'll what?!" I shouted stepping closer to him. I cleared my throat seeing that I'd brought a little attention to us as people stared as they passed by causing me to lower my tone "Don't let the pretty face fool you.....things can get pretty ugly around here if need be. If you so much as stand six feet near my girl, you'll regret that shit for the rest of your life. You see, I have a reputation so I can't get my hands dirty but I have some very loyal people that are willing to get theirs as dirty as possible. So like I said, move on and stay the fuck away from mine"

"She was mine before she was—"

"Dude... don't cross that line with me"

"And what if I do?"

"You know what they say, fuck around and you'll find out.."

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