Unusual interrogation methods

Start from the beginning

-Oh, sorry 'bout that. - You apologized, looking up at your victim.

Of course, it was him. It couldn't have been anyone else. William stared down at you, his expression growing from annoyance to confusion. He stared at you, as if he knew you from somewhere.

Oh, no. Not again. They're recognizing me too fast.

As you were about to say something; just to make him think as if he knew you from somewhere else, he spoke up. - Are you alright? – He asked, in a disgusting, devious, revolting, sickening, nauseating, stomach-churning, outrageous, ghastly, offensive, abominable, distasteful, loathsome, vulgar, vile, scandalous, repugnant, odious, obnoxious, satiating, foul British accent.

You shivered, remembering when he stabbed you. Or when he shot you. Or the cringe-inducing situation where you threw yourself at him.

-Yup. Cool as a cucumber. - You replied. The words came to you, as if they were pre-written responses.

- ...Alright. – He responded, looking very confused. And then he turned around and left. Somehow weaving through the dense crowd like it was just a walk in the park, and not a sea of blood-thirsty toddlers.

You stood there, staring at his back. The first William fucking Afton. The one that you weren't able to get rid of. He was like a pest – a hot, dilf pest.

You were going to lure him somewhere private, and interrogate him, just like you (unsuccessfully) did with Vincent. Maybe this time, you'd actually receive some logical answers. Preferably not in an insidious, ever-changing voice that the grape man had going on.

So, just like you always did, you took a seat at your favorite table, and awaited the nasally "excuse me" from the dense employee.

-Excuse me. - You heard a voice to your left, and turned your head towards it.

There stood the Fazbear's employee, in all his tired, nerdy glory. He snapped you right out of thinking about what questions you were going to ask poor Willy.

-Um, sorry but you can't sit here without ordering anything. It's the policy.

-Oh, finally! - You moaned the phrase loudly, sprawling yourself out in the plastic chair. The employee cringed at the volume of your voice, but you couldn't care less. - Just call your boss over, kid. - You grabbed the collar of his shirt, which was actually a little difficult since you were sitting, and he was standing. You must have looked like a gibbon, grabbing onto a branch.

The employee, looking very confused, muttered a "sure" and went somewhere to call his boss over. You were speed running the conversation, like a true gamer.

Soon enough, the two men arrived and stood in front of you.

-You can go now, I'll handle this. - You heard William say to the employee, as you shyly looked up because you're so tiny uwu. - You wanted to speak to me? - His attention was on you, as soon as the other man left.

-Yup. Siddown. - You patted the chair next to you, and he surprisingly complied. - I'm not gonna beat around the bush, I'm trying to speed run this shit; I am a huge fan of your work. - You spoke quickly, weaving lies as you went on. His eyes widened, as you mentioned his work.

-Do the animatronics interest you? - He leaned on the table, staring intently at you. God damn, if you said he was unattractive, you'd be lying. You almost frothed at the mouth, but then remembered he was actually a bad person, and got a hold of yourself.

-Exactly. You see, I'm a robotics student, - You repeated the first lie you've told him. This time, it was actually beneficial. - And I was wondering if there was any chance of me seeing them up close? It would be a dream come true to inspect your work.

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