Hunting aubergines

198 13 7

You awoke in the room with the big computer screen. It somehow seemed even older now, the purple flesh growing gray in places. The fluid, drifting through many tubes has stopped in some of them. And it was scorching hot. You could feel the heat emanating from the screen, on your bare skin.

You felt awful – nauseous, your neck hurt, and body stung. Your genius escape plan left quite a mark on your wellbeing. Maybe all these times that you awoke in newer realities, you were fully regenerated, unlike now?

With a shaking hand, you touched the spot that you stabbed with the broom. Unlike all the previous times, you could actually feel rugged skin under your fingertips. It felt as if it was in the middle of closing up. You brought your hand up – no blood. Only old scars, from the shards of glass you tried to protect yourself with.

A whirring was heard in front of you. You whipped your head up, just to see the big screen light up, illuminating the whole room with sharp, purple light. You shielded your eyes slightly, staring curiously at the rabbit GIF. Then, there was a voice; muffled, as if coming from behind the screen. You crawled near it, feeling as if you were jumping into an oven. The computer was overheating, and it was not a good sign.

Virus detected

Attempting fix


The robotic voice came from the machine. It sounded far away, as if something was trying to keep it from warning you.

Virus? You looked at the laughing rabbit. He seemed even more sinister now. Is he the virus?

Suddenly, a string of text appeared above the animal's head.

-Looks like you finally took things into your own hands. Took you long enough. - You read the purple letters, growing more confused by every word. How did you take things into your hands? You were forced to be here; you had no power. The GIF kept on looping, as you stared at it in silence.

-What... is this? - You asked, not even expecting a response.

You jumped, as the previous text disappeared, and another string popped up.

-You just acquired administrator authorization. Congratulations. I wonder what will you do with it.

Administrator what? And was the computer answering your questions?

-What does this mean? - You asked, and the GIF suddenly stopped. There was no movement, and the next second, the screen went black. Even the temperature in the room seemed to go down, and you noticed the purple liquid begin pumping into the machine again.

Temporary fix completed.

Welcome administrator.

Before you could ask any more questions, you felt yourself being pulled in again. You desperately grabbed the scorching metal rim of the screen, trying not to teleport somewhere.

-Fucking stop already! - And just like that, you were let go of. You plopped down onto your bare ass, staring wide-eyed at the screen. Slowly, one by one, pictures began appearing. All the different Williams filled the once empty screen.

What was that?

Why did it suddenly stop? It didn't take your well-being into consideration all the other times. Was this due to the administrator... something? How the hell did you become an administrator? Taking things into your own hands... Was the answer to being able to control all this, to just kill yourself? What a fucking ridiculous rule; ridiculous situation; ridiculous everything.

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