028 ➶ A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Start from the beginning

Kisses like butterflies landed on his chest. He remembered that grinning girl who screamed under the train tracks. Who lit up seeing her birthday present and who flew on swing sets. Who danced through life with a passion in her soul that could burn down cities. Who wrote songs as if she was running out of time. Who owned a stage bathed in blue and red lights. Who looked beautiful under a rain of metallic confetti.

Maybe it was the wrong time to realize he loved Evangeline Fenny.

"Can you feel me?" He asked, eyes watering. Evie's hand ran back and forth along his chest. She looked up at him with big, sparkling eyes. Hand on his heart that was beating harder by the second.

"No," she lied and crushed in, "I want to break up."

Evie pulled from him. Exhaled out. Billy seemed to not process it. Not like he'd ever heard those words in his life.

"We need to break up," Evie repeated herself because it sounded funny. She stood up with Billy surging. Processing still.

"What are you talking about?" His head shook. "Break up?"

"I mean we stop. All of it. Including prom." Evie didn't cry. She didn't even seem to be looking at him. Billy puffed with aimless confusion, hands gesturing. "You go home and I go to my room and we just don't do this anymore."

"Well, I... Don't I get a say in this, Evie? Fucking break up. What's going on?"

Her eyes turned to the side to see the sofa. Seeming to spot a ghost there so Billy cupped her face. Made her look at him.

"We're not breaking up. We're going to the fucking prom. I'm taking you to Lover's Lake this summer. I'm gonna see your shows downtown after I get that job at the pool. This thing, it's you and me. Fucking you and me, Evie. We're not-"

"I think you should go, Billy," she uttered with a great wide nothing expanding. Universes wide, ready to burst. All pulling into a black hole. Billy didn't get angry. Didn't rage. Not immediately.

"What if I don't want to break up?" He scratched the back of his head. "I can stay. We can fight instead. You can pretend to hate me like you used to." Billy twitched like he might laugh. Choked instead. "We can fight."

Evie just stared there. Shoulders slumped. Fingers twisting.

She didn't scrunch her face. Didn't try to run or shove or lash. Didn't put up her defenses.

"You gonna tell me what I did?" Billy shuffled his feet, arms dropping at his sides. "I'm still the asshole that brought you to that dance with all those girls."

Evie ripped into him sweetly.

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am!" He barked. She didn't even flinch. Just huge eyes caught in headlights. "Say something, Evie." Hands took her by the shoulders. "Tell me I'm that asshole. Tell me what I did. Just fucking talk. About your mother. Bowers. Pica. Did...? Evie, when did that start? Was it after the dance?"

She welled that time.

"I think it was something I always did."

"But, you picked it up after the dance. Didn't you?" Billy shook her. Hoping for something. Hoping for Evangeline to punch her way back out of this.

"I think you should go."

"If I leave you alone, are you just gonna...do it again?"

"I can stop. I won't do it anymore."

"My mother said the same thing." Billy quivered to his core and Evie sparked. She cried out, a broken sound that shattered against every wall. Fought him. Twisting madly. Elbowing at his chest because he crushed her in.

sins of my youth. // Billy Hargrove x oc !plus sizeWhere stories live. Discover now