016 ➶ The Night Has A Thousand Eyes...

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A/N: Evie and Carol's fight comes to its final threshold. Secrets unravel between them and they realize maybe they had a few things in common. The shockwaves hit all the teens. TW: talk of past abuse/sexual abuse. Racism mention. Angst. Slight mental break.

I'd love to hear from you guys about the story so far, it's been a rough week and ty for reading. :))

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   Jim Hopper didn't expect to be starting his day with a teenage girl sobbing before him.

He figured at least she couldn't throw things with her mind.

"Hey, hey. Miss Fenny. Evie."

It was too early for this. Jim shut the door and stepped closer. Knelt at her level. Evie cried like a baby. She didn't even sob in front of her own dad like this. Or Mona. As if the world really might end. They wouldn't like it. Just think happy thoughts, Evie, chase the bad away.

"Evangeline. Evie. Hey. You're not in any trouble. I just want to talk to you."

"Is...Is Carol okay?" Evie sniffled and tried to brush her unruly hair down. Wondered why that was the first thing to leave her mouth. Maybe she should just hate Carol. "What did she say?"

She hiccupped and Jim might have thought it cute if she weren't falling apart.

"I haven't talked to Carol yet, they just called me in. Said Miss Perkins made accusations. Security at this school is exactly as I remember." He tried to joke, but she only blinked at him. "You wanna tell me what happened?"

"We just don't like each other. We got into a fight." Evie kept wiping her face until he put a box of tissues into her hands. Still tender at her level despite the blaring gold badge that signaled authority.

"Her parents just got here, I think. I couldn't get a hold of your mom. My officer was trying her salon a bit ago."

"She's probably on her way to her shop from..." Wherever she stayed last night. Evie peered aside. Face blotchy and drained. Autumn toned eye shadow and black mascara dripping. War paint. "She'll be to work soon if anything."

"Take a couple of breaths. I'll chat with you more when she arrives. Alright?"

"Wait!" Evie snatched his hand as he rose. Saw the surprise flash. Tugged. "Don't believe her. Carol, she's lying. She's a liar. She hates me. She wants to mess up my life. She hates me so much. I d-don't understand. I'm not bad. I try not to be. The hate doesn't change, I just swallow more down. I have no choice. I don't know what's so wrong with me."

The sentiment cracked something in her expression. Had her wobbling to well again so Jim hushed that back in a hurry.

"Hey, hey. Easy." Hopper came down a second time. Let her cling before he sighed. Placed his free palm on her shoulder. "Just gonna chat with you both. That's it. Easy. Just breathe."

"Do you think I'm bad, Chief Hopper?" Evie had cracked instead. Rasping it. Huge, tears poured hot and fresh. Hitting their clasped hands. Jim's thumb made a soothing circle into her shirt sleeve. "I try so hard not to be bad or dirty or ugly a-and..."

My dad still left. My mother won't speak to me as a daughter. I can't get close.

Souls lashed out at Evie with hatred and ire. I can't get close. I never will.

A thought like that was almost too much to bear. Sometimes you couldn't get close. Often it starts with others not letting you.

"I always think if people see I'm trying to be better. Trying to communicate, they won't be so mean to me." Teeth clenched. "Why do I make them all s-so angry? It's like I'm not real."

sins of my youth. // Billy Hargrove x oc !plus sizeWhere stories live. Discover now