meeting the famous vampire Jek

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Jasmine's POV: I love vampires I only wish that I could meet one for real but my friends and family tell me over and over that vampires done exist but I know they do and I'll prove them wrong one day.

Jek's POV: I'm the vampire Jek and I have been watching this girl for a very long time she seems to love vampires so tonight I will go meet this young girl.

Jasmine was in her room looking at pictures of a vampire she so desperately wanted to meet his name is Jek he has hot pink hair, blood red eyes, and purple lipstick on he is so handsome, " I only wish he was real" " why do you wish I was real when I am real my dear" a voice said out loud to her. She turned around to see it was him.

Jek's POV: she saw me and she fainted I ran to her side and supported her why did I just do that I didn't want her to fall but wait why is my undead heart beating so fast when I look at her.

Jasmine opens her eyes but try to run Jek caught her and said " please don't run I won't hurt you what is your name miss" he asked her? " Jasmine and you what's your name? Wait hot pink hair, blood red eyes, purple lipstick. I have to be dreaming this is unreal" she said to him. " My name is Jek the vampire" he said to her showing off his fangs she was about to faint again but he was right there to catch her again.

Jasmine's POV: this isn't real did I just meet a real vampire and the same one I was looking at on the internet this is awesome. " Jek I would like to say it's an honor to meet you it's been my dream to meet a vampire and to be honest I'm very fond of vampires and find this a dream come true" I said to him. Jek looked at me shocked. " Really" was all he said. " Yes"

End of chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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