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Prompt: Imagine being shy and not opening up until Erik convinces you too
Warnings: umm...none? Just general social awkwardness

You were always shy, even before your mutation showed. If someone messed with you, you wouldn't do much about it. Your notorious shyness was the first thing Charles and Erik noticed about you on their recruitment trip. Erik had you wrapped effectively around his finger before Charles could get in a word.
It wasn't that you were afraid to talk or embarrass yourself, it's just that you literally never knew what to say until three days later when you harrassed yourself for letting everyone take advantage of you. Your mutation only made things worse, being able to control animals with the sound of your voice. You were constantly afrain a horde of overweight squrriels would surround you at any given moment.
As soon as you had gotten to Xavier's School, the telepath had whisked you away to start training. Within a few weeks, you could willingly call a flock of pigeons from New Jersey and sic them on Beast before you lost your voice.
Erik had of coursed noticed this, and took pleasure in watching Charles guide you through the complexities of your mutation. He never actually talked to you, but you saw him watch you from the windows and listening to your quiet conversations with the Professer. You never talked unless talked to, and Erik wondered why.
As you sat in the library, watching the rain, Erik walked in. He stopped once he saw you, wondering if you knew he was here. You did, but you didn't turn to acknowledge him. You stared down at the book in front of you, highlighter and coffee handy for easy organization.
Erik watched you quietly, trying to look for his book and at you simultaneously. You blushed cherry red everytime you looked up and saw his green eyes. Erik took notice of this, flashing you a smirk before coming to sit.
"So," Erik said, sitting across from you at the small table, "How are you?"
You blushed harder,"Uh, fine?"
"What are you doing?"
Swallowing, you close your book, taking a sip of your coffee. "I was just, uhm, researching...for history."
Erik smiles. "Of course. I saw you practising with Havok yesterday. Amazing, your mutation."
"Thanks, Erik. Your mutation is amazing, too." You didn't stop to analyze your thoughts before you blurted them out. "I mean, uh, not that I know about it, but, like, metal attraction is"
Magneto just smiled again. "It's fine, (Y/N)."
"Right, yeah. Okay." You closed your eyes, sighing. You heard Erik stand up, walking away. "I'll see you later, (Y/N)?"
Erik must've senn you nod, because he walked away. When you heard the doors swing shut, you groaned and rolled onto the floor, pressing your face into your bag. God, you thought, I can't deal with his...socialness.

Over the next few weeks, Erik continued to sit and talk to you in the library. It was awkward at first, Magneto being suave and flirty, and you a general mess of grammatical social issues, but you eventually became more and more comfortable around the metal bender. He opened up a side in you that you didn't know about. He made you want to talk and actually socialize. Of course, he, Charles, and occasionally Havok were the only ones you actively talked to, Erik made you want more friends.
Today was no different. Erik sat down while you studied, and you closed your book and leaned back to listen to him. Today, though, he sat next to you instead of across from you. His long arm was thrown across the back of the couch and his hand hung down, inches from your shoulder. You yearned to lean into him, but knew it was a bad idea. Lehnsherr began to talk about something, but you couldn't really pay attention.
"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)? Are you even listening?"
You gasped, "What? I'm so sorry Erik, I just, zoned out. What did you say?"
Erik chuckled. "I asked if you wanted to get coffee sometime."
You blushed, "Depends, where's the coffee?"
Smiling, Erik leaned closer to you, "Wherever you want it to be, darling."

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