"Can't you work at the Three Broomsticks?" Devonte suggested, dusting off his hands to the side.

"Oh," Nayun beamed. "I think I am gonna apply there. I'm of age, so it works. I would be able to get us free butterbeers as well."

The conversation paused as Snape came around to deliver their class schedules. The four of them all glanced down at the timetables.

"So much for an easy year," Joey muttered bitterly. "I've got double Potions on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

Devonte laughed heartily. "Isn't that so ironic? You get double of your worst subject."

"Very funny." She threw him a faux smile.

"Oh, shut up, Devonte." Imani glared at him. "Your worst subject is literally Charms."

"That's really offensive, Imani." The boy blanked at her. "Charms is difficult."

"So is Potions." Joey gave him a pointed look.


It was lunch time and Draco and his mates decided to use the opportunity to scope out another challenge to start off the new school year.

In spite of the Triwizard Tournament, Draco wanted to spice up this year like he and his friends did every year. Plus, the tournament didn't even officially start until Halloween. That was weeks away.

"What about that one?" Blaise jutted his chin towards the table in the corner of the library.

Draco and Theodore followed his gaze from where the three of them stood at the very end of a book aisle. They had a perfect view of the table in the corner that was right in front of a window.

A girl sat at that table. A Gryffindor.

Draco blinked twice to make sure he was seeing the sight correctly—the beauty correctly.

"Who is she?" He eyed her dark hair that she pushed over her shoulder to keep out of her face as she did her homework.

"Hmmm... that's Joelle Honrada," Theodore said as he leaned against the shelf with his bicep.

"Honrada?" Draco echoed, still eyeing her.

"She's Filipina," Blaise replied, and they all watched her in a non-creepy way. "I hear everyone call her Joey though. Never Joelle."

"Is she new here?" Draco questioned, because he'd never noticed her before.

"Nope." Blaise shook his head. "She's been coming here since Year One."

"Pureblood?" Draco mused.

"Muggle-born," Blaise answered neutrally.

Draco was shocked as to how he never noticed her. Her beauty was so indelible. "Seriously?"

"You can't be too picky, Malfoy," Theodore said through an amused chuckle, glancing over his shoulder at his friend. "You've already slept with nearly all the Purebloods."

"I'm not picky," the blond retorted truthfully.

"Too bad she isn't pure-blooded," Blaise said with disappointment. "She'd be a good hookup for sure."

Draco folded his arms across his chest and leaned his weight on one foot. He drank the girl in with a thoughtful gaze.

Her wavy dark hair that fell halfway down her back. Almond-shaped eyes that were nearly black looked like magic under the sunlight casting through the window.

Long legs exposed as she crossed her thighs. Her thighs had cellulite on them. The black uniform skirt she wore hitched up and her thick thighs were uncovered.

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