02 | spice up

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𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟒.


Said girl looked up from her sad piece of toast. "Hey, guys," she greeted them as they sat around her at their table. "You've just saved me from a depressing first-day-back breakfast."

"I'll eat it." Devonte reached over the table to grab her sad breakfast plate. "Did you put strawberry jam or blueberry?"

"Strawberry," she answered, throwing him a lazy smile.

He returned the smile. His smile was the literal definition of contagious. His perfect teeth and his dimples and the genuine joy behind his smile.

"Sorry we're late. I had trouble getting my hair to look right," Imani explained. "Then Nayun was having trouble with her tie and Devonte... Merlin knows what the hell made him late."

"The fly of my trousers got stuck," he clarified sourly. "I had to be really careful, or else the fly would've gotten caught on... well, my dick."

"Thank you for sharing that with us, Von." Imani stared at him. "That must've been really hard for you to share."

"Actually, it was hard for me to get the fly unstuck," he corrected.

"That's okay." Joey shook her head. "Snape hasn't even handed out schedules yet."

"Who took all the bloody bananas?" Nayun frowned as she looked down the table at all of the fruit bowls. "I was in the mood for one this morning."

"Grab one from another table," Imani suggested from her seat next to Joey, munching on a piece of crispy bacon. She turned to the boy and lifted her chin toward the hash brown on his plate. "Von, are you gonna eat that?"

"Take it." He pushed the plate closer to her and continued to eat his toast. "Mmm... Joey, the ratio between the jam and butter you put is nearly as good as sex."

Joey stifled a laugh and sipped her goblet of orange juice. "I wouldn't know, so I'll take your word for it, mate," she said after her sip.

"I'm gonna grab someone's banana." Nayun rose from her seat and she was off.

The sentence made Imani do a double-take and Devonte called out, "Don't grab it too hard, love! It's never pleasant when grabbed too hard! You might bruise it!"

"Gosh, I hope my class schedule is easy this year," Joey muttered hopefully. "It'll make working a lot easier."

"Speaking of," Imani said, covering her mouth as she finished chewing and swallowing. "Are you applying at Honeydukes again this year?"

"Yeah." The other girl nodded and swirled the orange juice around in her goblet. "I mean, I've been working there part-time since I was fifteen, so..."

"I'm gonna apply at Zonko's." Imani finished up her hash brown.

"I've got my big banana!" Nayun nearly startled Joey with her cheer of excitement as she made her way back to the table. She held her banana up to show everyone. "I had to fight for this massive thing. I've never seen such a big banana. The fruits here are on steroids, I swear."

The other three exchanged glances before they all laughed out loud.

Nayun frowned in confusion. "What?"

"Nothing," Imani said with an amused grin. "Eat your banana quickly because we've got class soon."

Nayun sat back down, next to Devonte. She peeled her big banana and feasted on it.

"Nayun, are you applying at Zonko's this year as well?" Joey asked curiously.

"Maybe." Said girl nodded as she ate her banana. "I mean, I'll take what I can get. I don't really care where I work."

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