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With stressing in daytime and crying, overthinking about his friend in nighttime, every single bit of Yunho's energy was drained from his body. He just wanted to stay at home and sleep all day but he couldn't just abandon ATEEZ, the only place that smelled like Wooyoung, the place that had lots of memories of Wooyoung and the place which Wooyoung loved and cherished the most.

Now he was standing behind the counter waiting for the orders since Yeosang told him he could take care of the kitchen himself. But there was Jongho too so when he's there, Yunho couldn't worry about food.

People came and went, and Yunho was getting tired. Just when he was about to go ask for anyone to replace him, the door bell rang signaling customer's entrance. He quickly straightened himself and put on his fake formal smile on face.

He looked at the customer which seemed like a boy younger than him, with a height almost the same as him and a bigger, masculine body. 'He's hot and completely my type' Yunho thought to himself and was drawn back to the reality when two fingers was snapped infront of his face.

"Hello? I want to place an order" Yunho closed his mouth which was hang open after seeing him and now the boy was standing infront of him, on the other side of the counter, with an amused grin plastered on his face.

Yunho blushed in embarrassment and awkwardly smiled "My apologize sir. W-What can I get you?"

The boy chuckled "just a bowl of ramen with extra sauce."

"Alright" Yunho wrote down the order and slipped it on the little window of the kitchen. When he turned back he saw the male still standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Do you want anything else?"

"Actually yes." He leaned and rested his elbows on the counter, holding a hand out for Yunho "Song Mingi"

Yunho was surprised at the sudden introduction but took the other's hand thinking it would be a waste to leave him hanging "Jeong Yunho"

Mingi squeezed his hand slightly and shook their hands "it's a pleasure to meet you Yuyu."

Yunho's cheeks flushed at the nickname. He nervously nodded and retreated his hand back from Mingi's. "Your order will be ready, please take a seat"

"Alright" Mingi smirked clearly noticing his effect on Yunho. He turned around and chose to sit on a table closer to the counter. Once he took a seat, he glued his eyes on Yunho and Yunho was feeling some eyes on him but he decided to not look and keep himself busy with whatever was on the counter.

Later, the order of Mingi was served and he finished eating now stepping closer to the counter again. Yunho took a deep breath readying himself for the latter's strong presence.

"That would be **** won."

Mingi paid and leaned "Wanna go for a drink?"

Yunho was taken aback for a second but then he thought why not he's hot. He smirked "sure"

"What time do you guys close?"

"6 in the evening."

"Why so early?" Mingi chuckled.

"Because of some personal reasons we decided to close earlier for some time."

Mingi shrugged "Not a problem. Actually it's a good thing... the earlier you close, the longer I can have you"

Yunho blushed damn he didn't think he'd get a hottie tonight. He needed something to take off his mind from the things that happened. He needed a night to ease up his frustration and Mingi was a great choice.

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