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A week had passed and Wooyoung was visiting the hospital everyday. Mingyu hasn't woken up yet and there wasn't any progress in his condition.

It was the weekend and Wooyoung was about to go to the hospital after locking the restaurant and biding his goodbye to the others. Yeosang and Yunho went home because they needed to change and shower then they were gonna go visit Mingyu after. Jongho called Wooyoung to meet him infront of the little cafe that was a bit further away from the restaurant.

It was 6pm and Wooyoung was on his way between the silent buildings. He was walking quietly and decided to take the shortcut to the cafe.

The cold wind of the evening hit his face causing shiver to rise in his body. He hugged his arms as he continued going to the promised location. His walking came to a halt and he turned around to look his back as he heard footsteps from behind. It was empty and no one was there at the dark corner where he came from. He sighed and turned his head back to the front thinking he probably heard wrong.

As he continued the walking, yet again he heard the stepping sounds coming from behind him. He gulped, his body shook in fear and he hesitantly looked back but still no one was there. Wooyoung took a deep breath to calm himself down and started to walk faster. The faster he walked, the steps from behind became louder. This time Wooyoung was sure he was being followed. Tears gathered his eyes as his fast walking turned into running. He ran until he was out of the dark corner of the buildings and stepped on the bright streets.

He sighed in relief when he saw crowd of people walking around and he felt safe. He walked faster and then spotted the cafe he was about to meet Jongho in. He thanked the god and hurried there. Jongho was noticed by him as he just walked out of the cafe with his phone on his hand. He turned to the side and spotted Wooyoung walking faster, huffing and sweating.

"Oh Woo, I was just about to call you." The younger said going towards his cousin. "Wait, did something happen?? Why do you look so terrified"

Wooyoung hugged Jongho as he reached him and with a shaky voice he worded "s-someone was fol-following me" he managed to let out the words between his huffs as he tried to catch his breath.

Jongho frowned "someone was following you? No Wooyoung this is going too far, before thing gets worse we have to go to the police." His eyes softened as he looked at his cousin "this is not safe. I don't want to lose you Wooyoungie hyung!"

Wooyoung smiled "you won't lose me my little cousin and yes we'll go to the police station tomorrow okay?"

Jongho nodded and they started going to the hospital.

"Today was just like always, everything became less enjoyable and exciting without you..."

"You have to come back to me, to all of us"

"Everyone needs you."

"You know, the last time Jackson came to visit you, he ended up crying all night haha who would believe the all time cocky Jackson would cry like that."

"Mark too, he was crying and then Jackson and him hugged each other like their life was depending on that hug haha if you were there, you would definitely say that your ship was sailing haha...."

"Haha... ha..."

The sound of painfully sobbing slowly echoed the room. Wooyoung was sitting next to the patient's bed, grabbing a hold of his hand and crying. He didn't want to cry, he believed Mingyu was listening to him, he wanted to tell him stories, to tell him about how his day went, to tell him about his friends but he miserably failed as he burst into tears.

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