ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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"Oh really? Then please, sing for me."

"Oh?? Ahaha no. I'm no Jack Charman or Enrico Caruso, I assure you."

"Of course you're no Jack Charman or Enrico Caruso, you just need to be you."

My gaze softened but I automatically went back to my usual state. This peasant must not know anything about life.

Not only he dared to talk to me, he had also asked me to do something for him? How absurd. You could say I had spoken first but then again, what was he even doing here?

"I don't need to sing for you, I don't even know you. How rude you are!" I huffed as I looked away.

"A simple no would of been just fine but if it suits ya. Anyways I gotta chop up and go-"

"You're leaving?" I spoke in disbelief and sadness... no I am happy, I'm so happy he would finally go. To think I was centimetres away from this peasant. I kissed him, disgusting.

"Well, I figured you-"

"Did I say it? No! I did not, how dare a mere person like you try to get in my thoughts." I folded my arms before looking away.

"Er Miss. That's not very nice." He spoke as he turned around to walk towards me. He leaned towards me, his face infront of mine. My gaze couldn't help but travel to his lip, those lips that had stolen my first ever kiss.

"Do I look like I care?" I gulped, suppressing all my nervousness. The last thing I would wish to do is to look weak infront of this carl (man of low birth, not you Carl).

He raised his eyebrow while resting his hand on the rail that I was leaning on. Closer, he came closer. I sucked up all the oxygen around me as I tried my best to prevent my cheeks from flushing a rose colour.
He licked his lips before grabbing a cigarette from his pocket and offering me one. I shook my head, it was embarrassing enough to choke on the cigar fumes near Caledon, if I were to do that infront of this low-life.... I would never be able to show my face in society.

"Suit yourself.... erm?"

"Y/n. My names Y/n but you must not skip the formalities, we are not companions."

"Right Lady Miss Y/n of the estate of countishire widowhood erm... give me a posh word."


"Ah yeah, Northington Shakerspeare, the 6th. Art thou happy now?" He spoke, causing me to giggle. I covered my mouth to prevent my teeth from being shown.
"You're awfully weird, Jack." I laughed.

"Jack? I don't remember telling you my name." He raised his eyebrows before resting his other hand on the other side of me. Now I was trapped in between him.

"You are quite popular for saving Lady Rose. That's how I know you." I lied as he nodded and released me from the little cell a few moments later. Before I could melt to the ground.

Jack turned his back away from me before liting his cigarette and puffing it.
I coughed lightly, I guess I'm just so weak around cigarettes and cigars.

He then proceeded to turned back towards me as he stood beside me and rested himself there too. Now we were both beside one another.

"Now that  we know eachother slightly more than before, how about you sing?" He spoke, again lightly inhaling the toxic fumes and exhaling it after.

"Well... fine since you're so desperate." I lied, I really did want someone to sing my song to. Yet mother would tell me off, saying how it can tarnish our family reputation. Father is too busy to listen. And the maids, well they gossip to one another too much. I cannot trust them.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 04 ⏰

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