I released her to leave for my room when she clutched my fingers. She placed them on her belly, saying, “His name is Jason”. I lowered my head to the feel of her belly, feeling movements.

Soon a little one will be brought into this disastrous world of mine. Whoever's son he is, he is my mother's. I will do everything for the both of them. A smile trailed on both our faces, I retired up for a shower.

I laid on my bed to catch my breath when knocks are heard out the door. I flinched out of the bed, the shoes below the door belonged to my stepfather. What does he want in my room?

He raged at the door, I watched dark-skinned fingers crawl up my window seals, Beatrice. She smirked, gesturing to the door, she sat at the window. “Wanna open it?”

“What's a grown man looking for in a teenage girl's room?” she nodded. “Good point”.

I swallowed when he kept knocking, “Let's get out of here, Beatrice”. She smiled and whispered, “Now your talking partner”.

She latched onto the tree, avoiding her presence being heard. It led her down roughly, silently. She was down in seconds, so was I. “Got your phone” She whispered. I hear my room door jagged open and ran for it.

We soon find ourselves in a green grass field, I could hear the voice of wind and a breath of air running through my clothes. My blonde hair obstructed my view, this feels amazing.

Beatrice's hair packed up, like she knew we'd come here. “How did you find me?” she chuckled. “I figured I had to be crazy to find a crazy person”. A few seconds went by, she said, “I tracked you”.

“Is that why you're a science student, battling chemistry?” I queried astonished. “That's right, I wanna be a hacker, more like a computer genius”. Her dreams brought a sincere smile to my face, I had mine too. “I want to study Robotics”.

She hopped on a swing nearby, “that is cool”. I laughed, “I know robots can be evil, want to take over the world, but it's fun to see them try”. Be both smile in silence. She tapped the seat next to her. I joined her, paddling our feet in a gentle motion.

The wind elevated us to little heights, bringing us up and down. Washing away every sense of defense or survival. Relaxing nerve by nerve.

It's a foreign feeling to be cared for. What is there to care for? Consumed by curiosity, I spoke “why are you good to me?”

The question caused an anxious silence, I began to regret it… “Because we're alike in so many ways”. Focusing her gaze on her Nike Snickers, she continued, “I'm an adopted child”.

We kept the swing moving, bringing us back to calm familiarity. “With four siblings who take it to a hubby to beat me up”. I exhaled. When someone hurts, the last thing you should ever do was to apologize, you didn't hurt them. Instead, let them feel you there.

“Why?” she shrugged. “I think it has something to do with the color of my skin”. She laughed, rubbing her palm on the pink dress she wore. “They are all white, they don't like me around”.

“What?!” Her sentence shook me that I didn't know when I yelled. “How, the fuck, can you say that?” she looked shocked at my outburst.
“Have you seen yourself, you're the most beautiful girl I've seen”. She smiled.

“Are you trying to flirt with me?” we both chuckled, forgetting our conversation. “Well I'd do a good job” I complimented myself. “Uh-huh?”
She mocked.

“Look you gotta agree” she sighed, the smiled permanent, “Okay, you did a perfect job”. I smiled too, taking her hand in mine. We swung in the cold wind in silence.

Affections Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant