Chapter 06: Decisions

Start from the beginning

"I agree but I feel that we need to let them get to know us as individuals before we tell them who we really are. This way we can know them as your parents in this world; they will have a hope to get revenge from Voldemort and they will also not stop us from fighting." Explained Salazar

"You think they will stop us from fighting?" Rowena exclaimed

"Think over it Row, Molly withheld information from us for "our own safety". Granted that she was following Dumbledore's orders in our fifth year, but what about the information that Dumbledore was willing to share? If you remember, she was the one who told Sirius not to answer our questions. Then last year, we became adults and she knew that we have some mission that Dumbledore left us. But she still did not seem willing to allow us to fight. Given her way she would have not let us fight at all. That was when she had lost her brothers in the First War. The Mrs Weasley in this world has lost our counterparts to Voldemort. Do you think she will let us face him again if she came to know who we were?"

Everyone contemplated what he said and realised that he was right.

"I agree with you Sal, mum might stop us from going out to fight, but if she knew that we are capable of fighting and got to know us as Founders first then she will respect us and even fight with us. I do not like it but I think what you are saying is the right way to do things, at least for the time being." Godric agreed

After listening to Godric, even Rowena and Helga nodded to give their consent.

While all this was going on Dumbledore was quietly listening in on their conversation. He was impressed by the way Salazar (or as he was called in this life "Harry") explained the situation.

However he was deep in thought, 'What Salazar has stated was indeed one of the reasons why it was not a good idea to reveal their true identities. However the main reason was the Potters.

He knew for a fact that they did not judge a person based on their dark background. James' friendship with a werewolf (Remus) and a dark wizard by birth (Sirius) was enough proof of that. However, all four of them loved little Harry a lot, and when little Harry died they were hurt very deeply. While Remus, Sirius and Lily might overlook the dark background of this Harry; James will not do so.'

'James will not accept this Harry as Salazar easily and be extremely rude with him.' Dumbledore thought. 'He might also become over protective of Lily and his friends and try to 'save' them from Salazar.'

'James had always hated Slytherins right from his childhood and the fact that his very precious son was killed by the heir of Slytherin has only added to his hate. No, James hates Slytherin way too much and he will not accept this Salazar reincarnated Harry as the alternate version of his son. Well his love for his son might win, but that will only be when James realises that this Harry/Salazar is not evil. Furthermore, if James will not accept this Harry/Salazar than the other three will also not talk to him as they would not want to hurt James more. They are one of the most closely knitted groups I have ever seen. Whatever their decision will be, the will not leave each other's side.'

'Now the key to this problem was that James gets to know Salazar as an individual and before telling him who Salazar really is. At least till they find out on their own or they start trusting Salazar, whichever comes first.'

However what is interesting here is that Salazar does not want to draw attention to this situation. Probably because he knows that this might be James' reaction. I will have to keep an eye on it but for now I will let it go. Yes, that seems to be the right choice for now. In any case, Salazar's reasoning is also true, Molly would not let them fight and that would only lead to a disaster.'

Whilst Dumbledore was in his thoughts, Rowena noticed that Salazar was not talking about his parents, Remus or Sirius. She suspected that this was the main reason he did not want to reveal their true identities to everyone. She also realised that if her suspicion was right then it will be very important for Salazar to first win the trust of those four people. And if it was important for Salazar then she will be with him. That was the main reason why she agreed with Salazar's suggestion.

Unknown to her, Godric and Helga had also noticed Salazar's omission of his parents, Sirius and Remus and had suspected the same thing as Hermione. It was also the main reason why they agreed with Salazar. Salazar had always been there for them when they needed him the most, especially when their parents were killed by Voldemort's Death Eaters. If they could do something for Salazar then they were ready for it. Even if that meant not being able to tell their real identities to the alternate versions of their dead parents for a while; they will do it for Salazar.

Salazar on the other hand was lost in the thoughts of Sirius, Remus and his parents and how he will not be able to take their hate, especially after knowing who he really was. He knew he was being a coward by not facing them, but he did not want to be rejected again. As that will be equal to losing them again; and that he cannot take.

Everyone was brought back from their thoughts by Hermione's question to Dumbledore.

"Headmaster, was that your reason too?" Rowena inquired as she had a doubt that this was not the reason when Dumbledore suggested this option.

"Yes, indeed that was one of the reasons. The other reason being that the less people knows about this, the better the chance that this will not be leaked." Dumbledore replied. "That will give us a distinct advantage against Voldemort; after all knowledge is power, and a very powerful one at that." He chose to omit the fact that his other main reason was the Potters.

Everyone nodded acknowledging that reason as well.

"So I will introduce you to the school as the Founders tomorrow. The story is that you were in the middle of a battle and somehow managed to land yourselves in future. Is that all right?" Dumbledore inquired.

"Yes Headmaster, that seems perfect, furthermore I think that it would be beneficial for all if we refer to ourselves as the founders even amongst ourselves. This will ensure that we do not slip up in front of others." Salazar suggested

"Yes that will be a good idea mate." Godric agreed.

Rowena and Helga nodded.

"If that is sorted then we would take your leave for the night Headmaster, we will see you at the Great Hall tomorrow for breakfast" Salazar concluded.

"Indeed, I will ask the House-Elves to guide you to your quarters." Dumbledore suggested

"That will not be required Headmaster, all of us have our own secret quarters that are hidden in this castle" Rowena informed

After this everyone stood up and the four travelers left for their quarters; whilst Dumbledore went to his sleeping quarters with a smile on his face and hope in his eyes.

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