Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 ::Jordan's POV::

I stood stock still for a minute, completely unsure what to say (and let me tell you; that was quite a rare occurance) until Ice Princess repeated the question slowly as if I were mentally inefficent. "Do.You.Need.A.Lift.Home.From.School?"

Scary Boy/Man looked slightly amused, if the quirk in his eyebrow and the shining light in his grey eyes was anything to go by. I bet you couldn't pay him to actually smile; it would ruin his reputation and make someone actually believe he was capable of happiness. (the horror!!)

Ice Princess looked at Scary Boy/Man and rolled her eyes. Then she turned back to me and stepped forward. And of course I took a step back. "Hello? Do you have a brain in there? Do I really have to repeat the question a third time?"

Oh, I guess I drifted into my thoughts again. (my bad) I opened my mouth to answer her, looking directly into her dove grey eyes but a slightly high pitched voice cut me off.

"Why would a little trouble-making dyke like her want to get a lift with an anorexic wannabe like you?"

I turned to the source of the voice and almost flinched back. Ah, its alive!

It was like those horror movie where the ugly wax models came to life and ate peoples faces off. Except this one was wearing pink.

Alot of pink.

I recognised this girl (if you could really call her that) from one of my classes - she had glared at me all lesson but I had ignored her.

What the fuck was this Barbie Doll going on about?

I took in her appearance, my eyebrows raised almost as high as Ice Princess'. Speaking of the icy girl, she looked extremely pissed off and ready to punch this chick in the face.

The chick, as I previously mentioned, was wearing so much pink, I felt I needed to wear sunglasses to even stand in the same vicinity as her...


Her hair was a pale blonde, a couple of shades darker than Danika's, but obviously dyed - her roots were a dark brown that clashed with the horrid dye job.

But to break the stereotype, her eyes were not blue (I was glad for this, it meant this chick wasn't a TOTAL Barbie Doll rip off) but an odd shade of light green.

I would be friends with this girl if she washed the dye out of her hair, ditched the neon pink clothes (which could probably considered underwear because they were so revealing) and ate a few good, sustainable meals (of course I didn't count half a carrot as sustainable).

Then her words registered in my mind and hot rage coursed through me. How dare this little trollop say such a thing?

A small, reserved part of my brain

was amused to find that I was angry at this chick, not for calling me names, but for hurting Danika. The rest of my brain just screamed 'scoop her fucking eyeballs out with a plastic spoon'.

Ice Princess looked ready to throw the bitch through a window. (which I wasn't going to allow, since, knowing Miss Goody Two Shoes, she'd end up cutting herself on the glass).

As Ice Princess stepped forward with clenched fists, I though fast and intercepted her, grabbing her shoulders to stop her from ramming her fist in Barbie Doll's face.

I stared up in those light grey eyes that swirled with anger and malice and smiled softy, trying to calm her down. "Now, now Ice Princess, you know that if you deck this chick in the face, your rep as Little Miss Perfect will go down the toilet. So take a deep breath and count to ten, kay?"

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