Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 ::Jordan's POV:: 

"Hey! HEY! Miss Turner, get back here this instant! You just abused another student and then attempted to flee the scene! Who do you think you are?" The creaky voice rang over the parking lot, reaching me just as I was about to escape the school. 

I closed my eyes tiredly for a minute before turning to see none other than Mrs Floorboards hobbling towards me, her fists shaking. 

Of course she was the teacher who witnessed my bad deed. The world just LOVED me that much. 

God, when would the horror movie end?  

I noticed Barbie Doll still rolling around on the ground, screaming/gurgling as if Prada bags had been banned from the school. 

I sighed and walked back towards the scene of the crime (geez, Mrs Floorboards was rubbing off on me; I was acting as if I commited a hit and run... Which I kinda did, if you thought about it. I hit the bitch in her snotty mouth and ran). 

If the look on the old bat's face was anything to go by, it would seem like I had Frosty the Snowman's chance in hell of getting home in time to do my homework and babysit my sister. Yay me. 

It seemed I was about to get tried, judged and executed all in one. 

"Don't move another inch, Miss Turner." Her voice contained an unsurprisingly high amount of glee, as if Christmas had come early in the form of her getting the priveledge of delivering me to the Principal and telling him that I had hit another student. 

Glad I could improve someone's day, even if it was the day of the loony, old teacher who apparently hated my guts. 

I glanced over at Ice Princess, to see a worried look on her face (which didn't warm my insides in the slightest. Crap; I need therapy) as if she was going to step forward to help me. 

I shook my head slightly in her direction and gave her a small, reassuring smile before turning back to Mrs. Floorboards to face my doom. (cue in the dramatic music, thank you) 

If I had thought the cranky, old witch's ranting speeches were bad before, they didn't even compare to the one she gave me as she led the way to the Principal's Office. 

The rave went as follows; blah blah, dissapointing behaviour, blah blah blah, only my first day, blah blah, bad reputation, blah, suspended for sure. 

For someone with such a creaky, quiet voice, let me tell you, Mrs. Floorboards could talk for a very long time. 

I had been to the Principal's Office this morning when I arrived at this god forsaken school; the stout, chubby man had oozed sleaze when he shook my hand and welcomed me to 'his fantastically refined school that churned out some of the highest acedemic results in the state'. Yeah right, you perverted, money-seeking bastard. 

It was just my luck (and I wasn't being sarcastic at all. No, I'd never be sarcastic) that Principal Grubby Money Hands was still in his Office when Mrs. Floorboards and I arrived. 

Gee wizz, it seemed today was Make-Dissaproving-Faces-At-Jordan-For-Her-Various-Acts-Of-Evil Day. It was of course an annual event that everyone participated in. 

Principal Grubby Money Hands rivaled Mrs. Floorboards when it came to extended and soul-killing speeches. I can see why teachers and students would just agree with whatever he said; just nod along to get him to stop talking in that boring monotone that made time seem to slow down exponentially. 

So this is precisely what I did. I pulled a remorseful-looking mask onto my face, nodding and muttering 'sorry' at the right intervals. I was waaaaaay too tired to try to argue with this narcissistic prick who thought the world turned on how much money he had to gloat about. 

The Only Exception ::girlxgirl::Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя