Chapter one

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Sophie was nervous. Her palms were sweaty. She tugged her eyelashes with one hand with the other one in Keefe's. They were about to reveal their relationship to their friends. Sophie had initially been completely against the idea but Keefe convinced her to do it. "They'll find out anyways" she murmured. She thought that this would make her feel better, but it didn't. Keefe lowered Sophie eyelash tugging hand. "Foster, if you keep doing that then you'll have no more eyelashes left" Keefe said. " I know, I know but I can't help the fact that I'm super nervous" she replied. They were waiting for their friends in Sophie's bedroom. "Here they come" muttered Keefe. They let go of their hands and pretended that everything was normal. 


"Why did you call?" Asked Marella. "Do you have some new juicy gossip?" She asked excitedly. Marella was foxfire's gossip queen. She knew everything. "Kind of..." replied Sophie. "Is something going on between you guys" Fitz asked signalling to Keefe. "Uh..." Sophie didn't know what to say. Sophie had recently broken up with Fitz. He was a horrible boyfriend. She remembered how hard dating Fitz had been. "There is something going on between you guys" Fitz transmitted. "Uh..." again, Sophie didn't know what to say. "That's some major Fitzphie eye staring" joked Keefe. "Fitzphie's not a thing" Biana said quickly, glancing at her brothers angry face. "Anyways, can we hear the really big news you called us here to hear?" Biana asked impatiently. "Wait for Tam and Linh to come here." 


"We're here!" Cried Linh. "Finally!" Biana and Marella said in Unison. "Yeah, we've been waiting ages for you guys." Dex said. The twins sat down and everyone looked and Sophie and Keefe expectantly. "Okay... so three, two, one" Counted Sophie. " we're in a relationship" said Sophie and Keefe and quickly held each others hand. "OMG" Biana said surprised. The anger on Fitz's face was rising. Sophie had never called him her boyfriend when they were dating. Now she said it so openly with Keefe. So he got up and leaped home.

This is the first time I'm writing something I am a beginner. I really hope you guys like it so far. Sorry if it's short.

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