Start of UA High Part 2

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Imma just to dive right in because my life is not great and I want to write to feel okay.

We start with Nana on a bus on her way to her respective gate along with 30 other hopeful students, she sits there with her eyes closed resting her head on the window thinking about whether to blitz the test or observe first and then act. She also wonders if rescue points will be counted as she knows that a hero's priority should be civilian safety before going head-first into the villain's face. She opens her eyes to notice the girl sitting next to her with brown shoulder-length hair and a permanent pink blush on her cheeks is slightly shaking and is nervous. She turns to her and reassures her that she is going to be fine as long as you calm down. Nana introduces herself and the girl does the same. The two end up talking for a bit resulting in the now-named Ochako Uraraka calming down, they even went as far as discussing strategies together. They reached their destination minutes later and exit the bus with Nana having a smile on her face and Uraraka being less nervous.

About a hundred students stand in front of an enormous metal gate with a 30-minute timer on top of it with red, yellow, and green lights. After 10 minutes the gate starts to open but the timer is yet to start and the red light is still on. The metal gate moved extremely slowly, making the students wonder why it was so slow. After a full 5 minutes, the gate is fully open, the light turns green, and 5 minutes is deducted from the timer, leaving the students with 25 minutes to gain points. The sudden realization that the exam started 5 minutes ago made the students scramble to enter the gates first. Nana stayed back to observe first and to not get crushed by the crowd. This took another 2 minutes of the clock as Nana used her quirks to blitz inside the city where a bunch of 1 and 3-pointers were. She used her enhanced strength to break the bots combined with speed. The people only saw yellow lightning appear and disappear as she took them down. Nana was thankful for one for all, now called the speed force, as it solved many of her major problems that came with her original quirk. 1 was inertia, she normally has to slow down to stop but the speed force doesn't obey the laws of inertia, the second would be mind processing. Her body could move at insane speed but her mind couldn't process as fast hence why she trained in a safe environment. The speed force helps her process the information as she runs and lastly is wind resistance, she would normally wear special tech from I-island to fight this but the speed force provides one for her allowing her to reach maximum speed almost instantly. 

Nana went all out, people would see a flash of yellow lightning take out a robot before it appeared somewhere else almost as if the person was teleporting. Nana was able to gain 65 villain points after fighting all 3 types of bots. The 5-pointer was starting to learn that one of the students moves at speeds close to Mach 10 so they would calculate when to dodge her before she arrived. She saw this and decided not to go further as the 5 pointers were scarier than she thought. Other people were having a breeze with the 1 and 3-pointers and those who overestimated themselves decided to challenge the 5-pointer resulting in them defeating the kids in a few moves as they got smarter as time went on. One of those overconfident kids was one Katsuki Bakugo, after defeating a few 5-pointers he decided to go after them only and boy did it backfire. The 5-pointers learned his fighting style, range of explosion, and time between ignition and burst of explosion. As Bakugo went for another 5-pointer, he raised his hand to blast the bot only for it to barrel roll out of the way. Bakugo repeated this action and the combat bot jumped for a downed bot and used it as a shield only for it to throw it towards Bakugo after use and charge at him while calling for backup. The explosive blond dodged the thrown bot and immediately got hit square on the jaw by the combat bot. The bot unleashed a combo of hits on the boy but Bakugo was able to create enough distance to launch an explosion and defeat the bot. As he wanted to catch his breath he was immediately greeted with a knee to the face and a gut punch that made him spit saliva. He looked around and saw 2, 5-pointers with 7, 3-pointers. There was a little bit of fear in him because he just took a major beating. Bakugo got up but the 3-pointer just blasted him with a variety of mechanical quirks, some shooting wind blasts, low voltage electricity, and the 5-pointers approaching him. Bakugo took all this abuse refusing to use the request rescue button that would deduct a certain amount of points that all students were given before the exam but the attacks suddenly stopped as the 3-pointers were taken out by a flash of yellow lightning. The 3 pointers were able to calculate when to dodge. Nana locked eyes with the as she ran towards them, the 5 pointers calculated when to dodge by knowing how fast she is from the open source network they share and calculating the distance between them but Nana pushed herself to use 9% and reach Mach 10 to blitz the bots before they can dodge her attack. Nana looked at Bakugo before speeding off to rest as she has been helping other participants for the past 5 minutes.

While all of this was happening, the Pro heroes, teaching staff, and the recommended students were watching different areas scouting for the student to put in the hero course of UA. One of the recommended students, Inasa decided to leave after a not-so-pleasant conversation with another of the recommended students the son of number 1 Hero Endeavor. Setsuna was talking to Jozo( I think that's his name idk) about some random stuff that I won't get into while the young heiress of the Yayarozu family was talking with her long-time friend Prof. Midoriya. "Hey Midoriya, I just want to say that my family is willing to help you in any way possible so if you need any help just let me know also congrats on becoming a teaching assistant at UA, I know it's not what you imagined but it's close" Momo gave him a warm smile as Izuku did the same. "You don't have to worry about me Momo, the money my parents left me is more than enough plus the salary from UA is surprisingly high so I'm good but thank you for the kind offer" As they were talking, the rat, bear dog know as Nezu pressed a button as he did his maniacal laugh causing the people in the room to have a tingle up their spine as that laugh was all kinds of wrong. The ten-meter-tall walking demon known as the zero pointers appeared from the ground unleashing a powerful roar. The roar caught the attention of all the participants as their flight response kicked in in full gear, Nana herself knew even with one for all she was not about to take down that 10-meter-tall demon but as she was about to run away she heard a couple of grunts and screams, she looked towards the building that the zero pointers knocked over and saw the two she met at the auditorium. The redhead known as Kirishima was down and out with rubble on him as his pink-skinned friend Ashido was trying to dig him out. On the other side, she saw the brown-haired girl trying to get away as her leg seemed to be injured. Nana also saw 2 other participants trying to get away as a purple-haired girl with extended ear lobes drag an injured boy from the wreck. Time started to slow down as Nana looked at this, the auto-speed force response was going full swing as she moved to get them out of the way. She ran at normal human speed while time seemed to be slowed down. She ran to each of them and used her super strength to carry 3 and launch the other 2 far enough away knowing she would reach them before they touch the ground.

In the observation room as Nana was in this slowed-time state the people present had a worried look on their faces as they saw this but started to slow down, All might due to his experience in moving at incredible speeds was able to catch this. At the same time that Nana entered this slowed state Izuku's eyes adopted a red hue as his Negative speed force responded to the speed force's auto-response. Izuku limited the amount of Negative tachyon he was producing to not let any leak out as he knew All might is still able to keep up. Even though he could move just fine he kept up the act until he was in the clear. As the yellow human-sized caterpillar was about to scream at Nezu to stop the zero pointers a flash of lightning cleared the young teenagers from danger. All might be proud of his granddaughter as he wore his signature smile on the other hand Nezu and Izuku noticed that the lightning they saw had a darker tone almost leading to an orange shade. Izuku had a neutral look on his face as he saw this while Nezu seemed to be contemplating the answers to the universe.

Nana was able to reach a safe distance from the zero pointers and set down the 3 she was carrying, she also went back to the flying 2 as she passed them on the way. Time resumed normal flow as Nana was now tired. People saw how she teleported 5 people from danger to a safe region with a lightning trail and were left in awe. She was about to sit down when she released an ear-piercing scream as she felt her whole body being ripped apart for going over the safe limits of one for all. The people around her looked in fear as blood started leaking from her nose and ears before she fell unconscious. As the drawback of one for all ended her speed healing kicked in but it was a bit slow as she was low on energy from all her running. Recovery girl's quirk helped her but she was still out cold. More people entered the medical bay as the exam was more extreme than they expected.

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