"Are quirks really all that?"

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It had been a day since Nana left to begin her training all the way in I-island because all might thought the technological advancements of the island would help his little princess achieve her dreams the quickest. Nana was all smiles as she was going to work with her grand fathers old side kick. Izuku on the other hand was mentally preparing for the worst part of his life to begin, he was young but he was no idiot. He knew that Nana was his only real friend and protection on the jungle known as elementary school.

"Ok Izuku, you got this. You have known these guys for years now and it can't be that bad, right?" the green bean said as he walked to school but he was so wrong. He didn't even make it inside the building when Katsuki came out of nowhere like Randy Orton and blasted him in the chest so hard he flew back. "You just had to be quirkless loser huh, Deku?" Katsuki said with the devils grin on his face. " I could be with All might right now but you had to be a useless Deku and freak Nana out, she left 'cause of you and imma make sure pay for for that DEKU!!!!" Katsuki said as he had small sparks on his hands ready to roast the nerd but Izuku was saved by the bell.

The school basically turned on him as rumors of being the cause of Nana's sudden departure circulated around the school. Izuku was playing life on extreme mode against super powered kids with his only weapon being his quick wits and knowledge on his "friends" quirks. The green bean got home with a few scratches if u don't count the massive burn mark on his uniform. This went on for months with Izuku barely escaping heavy hits from extremely dangerous quirks. Katsuki aside his classmates had pretty dangerous quirks like one of them can turn his hands into blades and the other has heat vision.

"What was Kami thinking giving kids dangerous quirks like this" Izuku said as he escaped a swarm of wasps controlled by one of his classmates. Everywhere he wen the head talks about how heroes with 'amazing' quirks were a blessing to them, it was quirks this quirks that. Honestly it was too much for the technically quirkless green bean. His mom was barley home studying quirks at the Yaoyarozu Star labs and research Facilities, his best friend left to train her quirk and his other best friend became the devil all because he was quirkless. "Are quirks really all that, for people to be like this?" Izuku said asked himself as he put ointment on his wasp stings.

He was going to find out as he asked his mom to take him to the labs so they can spend time together but we all know he just doesn't wanna go to school. Izuku already knew of the dark matter theory scientist have that caused these super human abilities 'cause his mom talks about it a lot and he did his history like we went deep into quirk history during his all might search. He found out that his mom is part of a team that's researching on how to manipulate this energy to gain new abilities or use the ones already in possession to their absolute limits.

Izuku thought to himself if he can find a way to use this energy to give himself an ability he could finally be a hero like all might, this thought put a bright smile on his face. Inko already thought of using said method but the thought of killing your only son via radiation poisoning quicky shut that down. Izuku didn't know this but this was the start of something that would change his life forever.

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