Zombies : The last stand of leaving

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Once upon a time, there was an unknown scientist who conducted an experiment to create a virus that would destroy the whole world. He injected the virus into his body, and it created new humans known as "Flesh eaters." The city where the virus was created became known as the "City of the Undead," located in the middle of a forest. All the terminals were seized, and no one could enter or exit the city. Very few people were alive, and among them was a boy named Adam, who wanted to destroy the virus and save humanity.

Adam had been surviving in this situation for many days and decided to search for a team to help him destroy the virus.Adam's fighting skills and survival skills became evident as he faced many challenges while searching for a team.  He tried to contact his friend, Dr. Olivia Wilson, and luckily, she was still alive. Olivia told Adam about the research she had done on the virus and explained that she needed more members and a laboratory to create an antidote. They both started searching for a team to join them on this dangerous mission.

After a while, they found a boy in an unconscious state. They tried to wake him up, and when he opened his eyes, he introduced himself as Lucas, an outsider who had entered the city to learn about its mysterious history. The original name of the city was "The Evermore City," and its past was horrible and mysterious. Lucas joined their team, and from few days, they were hiding from the zombies, with very little food remaining .

Two days passed, and they were weak and exhausted, lying under a tree. A group of three zombies was approaching them, getting closer and closer. Suddenly, two people came to their rescue, saving them from the zombies. After a while, they woke up, surprised to find themselves in a van. They asked the driver where they were going and who the people in the van were. They introduced themselves as Anna and Jacob, siblings who were searching for their father, Mr. Tomas Evans, the biggest businessman in the city. They found the three unconscious and being attacked by zombies but saved them.

Together, they formed a good team and made a plan to reach the laboratory that Anna knew about. It was located under a bunker in the great forest of Evermore, also known as the mysterious forest of Evermore. The main obstacles they faced were the city terminals. They gathered everything that was required and set off towards the terminal. As they were driving towards the terminal, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by a huge group of zombies. The zombies had smelled their presence and were now approaching towards the van.

Adam, Lucas, and Jacob immediately got out of the van and started fighting off the zombies with their weapons. Olivia, who was in charge of creating the cure, was safely hidden in the back of the van.

The team fought bravely, but they were quickly becoming overwhelmed by the sheer number of zombies. Just when they thought all hope was lost, Anna suddenly emerged from the van, wielding a shotgun.

Together, they fought off the zombies, using every weapon at their disposal. The fight was intense, with the zombies relentlessly attacking them from all sides. However, through sheer determination and teamwork, they were able to defeat the zombies. As they continued their journey towards the terminal, Adam started to feel a deeper connection to Anna. He admired her bravery and resilience, even in the face of danger. He found himself constantly checking on her and making sure she was okay.

Over time, their bond grew stronger, and Adam found himself falling in love with Anna. He couldn't believe that in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, he had found someone that he cared about so deeply.

However, Adam was hesitant to express his feelings, as he didn't want to distract from their mission to find a cure for the virus. He kept his feelings to himself. As they were approaching the terminal, they noticed a strange figure standing in the middle of the road. As they got closer, they realized that it was a man, but he looked different from any zombie they had ever seen. He had a strange aura around him, and his eyes glowed with a green light.

As they got out of the van to investigate, the man suddenly lunged towards them. Adam, being the fastest, was able to dodge him and engage in hand-to-hand combat. The man had incredible strength and agility, but Adam was able to overpower him and knock him out.

They tied the man up and decided to take him with them to the terminal for further study. As they were driving, the man suddenly woke up and started thrashing around, breaking free from his restraints. He then attacked Anna, who was sitting in the back of the van.

Adam quickly slammed on the brakes, causing the man to be thrown forward and hit his head on the dashboard. He was knocked out once again, but Anna was badly hurt. They quickly tended to her injuries and realized that the man had infected her with the virus.

They were now faced with a difficult decision. They could either leave Anna behind or risk their own lives by bringing her with them to the terminal. After much discussion, they decided to bring her with them, hoping that they could find a cure before it was too late.They came to the terminal, they saw a huge army of zombies trying to exit the city. Some zombies were moving towards them, and Adam quickly realized that it was not a safe way to go.

Adam was driving the van and quickly swung it towards the other route, avoiding the zombies.


                          WRITTEN BY

                       ADITYA SHETTY

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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