Chapter 5

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Parker pov#
"Why so angry??" i tease, wanting a funny reaction. "Because your a big old meanie!!" the boy in the bath says sounding annoyed, but calming down. "Anyway...idk wat to do about the video..." i say. "Me neither". "Wait a minute!" the boy in the bath says. "Y dont we order a daughter off the Dark Web!!" the small boy says sounded like he made a discovery that could change the world. "I guess so...r u almost done with ur bath?" "yes, your so impatient!"
(After Chester gets dressed and everything cause im lazy.)
Parkers pov#
"R u sure ur okay enough to stand and record me?" I asked concerningly. "Yes babe"..."u-um i meant Parker..." Chester says while blushing hardcore. "I like it baby" I say with reassurance and teasing tone. "R u ready?" I ask backing away from Chester, so I was in the frame of the cameras view. "Action!" chester says. (After they sat down to go onto the Dark Web) "look Chester, we can get a daughter for only 700,000 dollars!" I say knowing Ima be broke after this. "Thats kind of expensive but let's look anyways!" "k" I say while clicking on the link. "Look, her name is Opal, and it says she 18, years old." i say. "It also says that she isn't very talkative but is really smart." "I like her" Chester says. "Okay then will get her!" we pay then turn off the camera. (After they get a knock on the door and turn on the camera) Before them was a tall, skinny, human, girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She looked like she was only 13 or 14 years old, she had cuts and scars and fresh wounds all over her body. She was wearing a stained white shirt with wore out, dirty, bitter pink jean shorts. Her light brown, curly hair was knotted and tangled. She looked like she hadn't eaten or slept or even showered in months. She also looked nothing like the picture. She looked like a human; unlike the picture we saw online. "H-hi" I hear Chester say in a sorry tone "r-r u okay?", he says in a soothing voice while stepping closer to her slowly, so he didn't alarm her. I walk to the door and close it then walk back over to Chester while handing me the camera. I turn it off because this was a real human and not the monster we thought we were going to get.(I also wanted to respect her privacy) "Were not going to hurt u, I promise." he says walking closer to her. He then hugs her, making the young one start to cry into Chester shoulder. I felt so bad for her. I walk over to them and we do a group hug. We decided to keep her. We let her shower and gave her a shirt and pants from Chester closet. While she was showering, we cleaned up Chesters room, put new sheets and pillowcases on the bed and sweated the floor while vacuuming the rug. We turned the TV on for her so she could watch it. We are here the sound of the bathroom door creaking and see a clean girl standing in the doorway of her new room. "This is your room for now, i hope u like it!" Chester says trying to lightin the mood. "T-thank u" we hear the girl say. Her voice was extremely quiet and pretty hard to understand "we didn't know that u were gonna be a real person so we don't have any necessity for u, like a toothbrush or hair brush but we can go to the store first thing in the morning!" I say trying to lighten the mood a little more. The girl gives a small smile, I smile back. "do yk how to work the TV?" I ask to make sure. "a-a wat?" the girl ask clueless. Cheater proceeds to point to the TV. "That big thing on top of the dresser" he says while still pointing. "O-oh that, n-no can u show m-me?" the girl ask. "Sure... Um wat do we call u? Chester asks. "They called me 92" "Oh, well can we call u Opal instead?" "I'd l-like that, w-what should I call y-you?" "I'm Chester!" "Parker" I say with a smile and nod. After Chester helped her figure out the TV and both of us walked out of the room. "H-hey babe..." Chester says in a Ima ask a question tone. "Hm?" "Can we...keep her?" Chester asked hopeing for a yes. "Idk about that baby..." i say. "Cmon babe, i feel a connection between us. She also needs our help!" he says in a whinny voice. (Tbh I felt sympathy for the girl, and I felt a father daughter connection, but I don't think I'll be a good parent)"How about I sleep on it." "Fine, let's go to bed then..." he says making his way to my bedroom plopping onto the middle of my bed. I turn of the lights and proceed to get onto the bed and under the covers. Then Chester puts his head on my chest and i put my arm around his waist. "Goodnight, my love" i say after i put a kiss on his forehead. "I love u" Chester says with a yawn following after..."love u to..."
HELLO, U SILLY I'm so sorry it took so long to add this part, I've been dealing with a lot rn so i have to take a break. I can't believe this is 958 words long, that's crazy!! OKAY BYE U SILLY SALAMANDER!!! SALAMANDERS!!

parker x chester 18+Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum